Ile-Ile Geographic Location in Elyria | World Anvil
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The Ile people are dark of skin and darker of hair, and many are stout and muscular due to the harsh environment they live in, even the elves. The Ile have large cities, and to an observant visitor, the six different tribes and their traits are clear in the major cities in Ile-Ile.   The Ile speak Inasoro , which is an interesting dialect that includes clicks, which are considered part of the phonetic alphabet. Their alphabet is similar to Takalah, since some of the letters and sound groups are also pictographical.   The Ile believe in lucky numbers, and 7 and its multiples are considered extremely lucky. This is part of the reason why things like hunting parties and even the royal court have seven key members.   The Ile also treat twins as magical and good omens, even if neither twin possesses any magic from birth. Twins are called ‘Pogba’ and are more often than not treated very well in Ile society. Many twins get better education and opprtunities than most, and those gifted in magic from birth are often offered positions in orisha temples as arirans or priests.   Ile-Ile is a land rich in minerals, and many mines have opened up in the mountains and valleys of this region. The gems and metals they extract are one of their most lucrative trades, but more valuable is their Eidonite , more commonly known as Okan stones.  

The Tribes of the Ile



  The buildings and houses here look like large domes, the wealthy have homes built from stone or mud-brick, but commoners have homes built from woven grasses, then coated with mud and left to harden.   All Igazi buildings are decorated with symbols of protection or auspicious imagery. These usually come in the form of geometric shapes.   The Igazi tend to wear black, red and white, and all young people keep their hair short. When Igazi women are engaged, they are allowed to grow out their hair, and often they wear more elaborate clothes and beaded necklaces.   The Igazi elves are famed throughout Elyria for their beadwork and craftsmanship. They can create incredibly intricate things and those go for a rather high price. Igazi craftsmen and enchanters are also skilled at weaving magic into their creations, and even enchanting the beads themselves.  


The buildings of the Ore are almost all a terracotta colour, with rectangular or square bases that slope into high trapezoid roofs. These homes aren’t decorated with painted symbols, but rather carvings and statues of their orishas are placed around to ward off dangers.   The Ore peoples are extremely colourful, with long billowing robes of vibrant colours and patterns. The Ore are known for their incredible bronze works and vessels. They are also excellent mask-makers and dancers.   The Ore are the most colourful of the tribes, and each colour and combination has a specific meaning to them.   The Ore treat tieflings as lucky and many Ore villages have priest or oracle positions reserved only for tieflings.  


  The Al’umma tend to cover most of their bodies, and the female members of society tend to wear headscarves or wraps. Many Al’umma also have henna tattoos, some for religious purposes, others for beauty. Al’umma usually wear green, yellow and brown. Magical or enchanted powders can be mixed into the henna for tattooing in order to imbue the wearer with certain skills. The henna is temporary however, and it’s common for people to have these tattoos done over and over again as a permanent measure.   The Al’umma have some of the largest buildings, being made out of stone, wood and mud brick. And their homes usually have a central spire from the lowest floor through the roof, and there is usually a line of unique tiles on the outside of the house. These tiles are tied to the family who resides within.   The Al’umma are excellent riders, and the Al’umma make up the majority of Ile-Ile’s cavalry troops.  


  The Gaarii people tend to wear all white garments embellished with beads in yellow, red and blue, as well as leather accoutrements. The Gaarii are known to be excellent musicians and dancers, and many bards from Ile-Ile have Gaarii heritage.   The Gaarii build their homes in a slightly convex conical shape, and they have a rope hung with various charms tied around the outside of their homes and buildings. These charms are usually to ward off bad luck and bring in good fortune and wealth.   The Gaarii also have the best craftsmen of the Ile people, particularly the Gaarii dwarves, who are able to create the most intricate stone carvings.   The Gaarii reside in the mountains  


  The Serandu tribe is largely made of halflings, but other races still mingle with them.   This tribe has cylindrical houses with thatched roofs, and the homes and places of residence have a set of 3 perfectly round stones set above the doorway.   The Serandu tend to wear reds and browns, and have very intricate hairstyles, largely consisted of braids and updos. These are a largely agricultural and livestock rearing people, who prefer to settle in the fertile plains and along the base of the mountains.   The Serandu also believe in ancestral spirits who keep watch on each family through the spirit-fire, which is a flame that must always be lit.  


  The Xolisa live around the lakes and rivers of Unomon, and are rather widespread, though their numbers are smaller. They are a fishing people, who supplement their diets with grains and vegetables grown on the fertile banks of the rivers and lakes.   The Xholisa people are also great potters and ceramicists, and are also skilled in woodcarving. The weapon of choice for most Xholisa is the spear or javelin, often used for fishing as well as combat.   A common colour of this tribe is white and red-orange, with elements of black for decoration, and they often use cowry shells for embellishments.     The Ile people are led by a king, called an Ade, and a council of 6, the head of each tribe.   The current Ade is from the Gaarii tribe, and his name is Mohanne Namandla  

The Deities of the Ile

  The people of the Ile-Ile believe in the same 7 deities, though their names in different languages would be slightly different. The human dialects are the most confusing however, but most humans stick to the common spellings and pronunciations of their names.   These deities are referred to by the Ile as Orishas which roughly translates to ‘spirits of nature’ in old Inasoro.  

Notable Cities in Ile-Ile

  Ile cities are all protected by the Ilaalin , often recognised by their green patterned cloaks. Most carry spears or shortswords and have a bronze band around one arm, the mostly wear leather or hide armour, with some of the high ranking ones wearing scale.  
  A flat land with a single gigantic tree in the centre, one that houses a whole city. Ile myths say that this is the world’s first tree, placed on Elyria by Olurun himself. The tree stands at over a kilometer in height, and has almost as wide a diameter.   There are portions of the city within the trunk itself and more along the branches and within the canopy. Many of the houses and buildings within the city are built using materials found on and around the tree.   This tree houses one of the largest cities in Ile-Ile, and is largely elven.  
  Located in the canyons of Ile-Ile, Ukuthutha is a dwarven city known to be the oldest in the world. It’s an incredible mass of caverns and tunnels in the canyon walls and along the base of the canyons. The town is home to a few odd halflings and dragonborn, but very few humans or elves live here.   There is a large following of Oya here, and it’s said that this city is the Ile’s gateway to the underworld.  
  An Ore town that is home to more tieflings than most other places in Unomon. This is the sacred city of Ibeji, and it’s common to send magically gifted twins to train to be priests or arirans. Or even to train them in the ways of magical combat.  
Oku Zorezo 
  A mining town, one of the largest on Unomon, and the largest in Ile-Ile. A place of equal parts magic and machine, this town is largely dwarven. Built in the Awonoko mountain, this massive town is entirely subterranean, with only the Tuka district built outside the mountain’s face.  
Omi Okun 
  The capital city on the western coast of Ile-Ile. A large city and the centre of trade for the Ile. This is also home to the Ulona Ugwu, the royal palace. This city, due to the close proximity to the Eidonite mines of Oku Zorezo, has a steady supply of precious minerals and metals.
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