Urungal Settlement in Eltheris | World Anvil

Urungal (Oo-run-gall)


  Urungal is an ancient city, one formed after the first Primordial war. It has two siblings, one belonging to the Elves in Eltexia, the other lost to history. The city is pentagonal in shape, and divided into five districts, with a sixth district in the center.   The walls are ash-colored, and while they look unassuming, there are numerous arcane cannons within the walls. In addition the city has multiple other defenses, including golem guardians and a massive arcane shield. This said, the defenses are a far-cry from when the defenses used to defend Urungal during the second primordial war, and the city has changed hands multiple times. It is not impregnable.


Blackthorn Circle:

  Keep -   Proudgleam Fortress - Named for it's distinct gleam, this central castle had walls and towers built with blocks of stone speckled with reflective chips. This makes the entire fortress shimmer and shine during the day. Much like the walls of the city, the curtain walls of Proudgleam form an Octagon, with five towers at each point, and a gatehouse at it's southern side.   Prison -   The Leaden Bulwark -   Gaulfell Embassy -   Axegrind Hall - While seemingly an unassuming one story stone building of little adornment, Axegrind Hall is sizeable. Most all of it is underground, an extensive carved complex.   Allanar/Eltexia Embassy -   The Moonlit Consulate - A forest of Birch trees can be seen towering over a low cobblestone wall. Here the Elves of Allanar as well as the Elves of Eltexia make their abode. They can be found within low buildings hewn of birch and thatch roofs. A humble establishment, this is more a nature reserve and less an embassy.   Sheng Brotherhood Embassy -   House of Summer's Harmony - The Embassy for the Sheng Brotherhood, this building was built with their architectural style. It is a walled compound with a raised building in the center. The roof slopes up at an inverse curve from the four corners, it's tiles a light green. The outer wall contains a hallway running the perimeter, and has screen coverings and windows. The inner wall protects the offices and various rooms. In the center of the pavilion is an indoor courtyard. The building is only two stories.   Convocation Arcanum Headquarters -   The Hall of 1,000 doors - One of two headquarters for the Convocation Arcanum, this embassy is a medium sized white brick house with green roof tiles. It has square windows that show a dark wood interior with multiple sitting rooms. The unique thing about this embassy is an expansion of space. Though it does not actually have 1,000 doors, it is a sizeable compound that does feature an apprenticeship school and placement program, as well as being the home office for most Southern Members. Head of the Hall and Ambassador to the Blackthorn Ascendancy is a human man named Hugo Kemph. He is originally from the Kingdom of Alder.

Palmer Corner:

  The Northeast District is named for Palmer Blackthorn. This district is full of innovation. Palmer was heavily interested in the arcane as well as industry. As a result this is home to many artisans, a siege workshop, and arcane practitioners. Many Gnomes make this district their home.   Description - "Palmer corner has tall buildings, each of them almost being a small tower of 3-4 stories. There are pipes running and crisscrossing over the road in various directions, cart tracks with trolleys of raw materials zipping about with people pumping a crossbar to propel it, and pulley systems powering who knows what. Rising near one side is a large grey stone block of a building, and in the center are the many towers of the Kreis School of Quintessence."   The Silver Champion's Academy -   The Academy where Justicars train. Not for the common soldiers, but anyone above the base rank comes here to train in some capacity. The academy is a large rectangle of grey stone, with it's two sides being longer than the top and bottom. Sunk into the center are ever decreasing squares that telescope into a door at the top of a great flight of stairs.   The Kreis School of Quintessence -   The Kreis (Cray-is) is the seat of power for the Quintessence Pursuant. Old language for "The Wheel" it is newer structure within Urungal, that said it is still quite old. Kreis is a circular college grounds near the heart of Urungal. There are numerous buildings and halls for magical study, however the dominating features are the nine wizard towers that comprise the perimeter as well as the center. Above said towers is an arcane field holding a tenth tower aloft. The tenth tower belongs to the Archmage and is a ring in structure, but a tower in function. The way space exists within the ring is linear, with a vertical reality as it would be in a vertical tower.   Each tower has a unique look to it, as does the buildings surrounding it.   Tower of Conjuration - A shimmery purple-green building, this tower looks to be made of a giant crystal. It also looks to have been conjured from some far plane, with semi-transparent chains anchoring it to runes upon the ground.   Tower of Necromancy - This is a tall obsidian tower, with no signs of seams in it. Halfway up, it starts to crack and crumble, ending in a mass of rubble.   Tower of Evocation - This structure seems to be carved like a totem pole, each segment in the likeness of one of the four elementals of the planes. The fire elemental portion seems to dance with real flames, the water portion above it dripping onto the fire and producing steam.   Tower of Abjuration - A tower that is carved to be convex, it resembles four immense tower shields painted a dull bronze.   Tower of Transmutation - This tower changes materials innumerable times as it goes. I has a patchwork squares made up of different materials, from bronze, gold and silver, to wood, stone and brick, to glass, lead, water, lapis, clay, cloth, marble, even some portions that seem to made of bread.   Tower of Divination - A structure made of pale milky-white moonstone, framed in gold and brass. It comes to a point at it's top, resembling the top of an obelisk. At the peak is a spectral, ever burning candle.   Tower of Enchantment - The tower of enchantment is beautiful, made of a pale aqua stone that has silver ornamental scrawlings in it, circles within circles, lines within lines. All who see it can't help but to feel a bit drawn to it.   Tower of Illusion - The tower of illusion looks different to each person who lays eyes on it. It is comprised of something meaningful from someone's past.   Tower of Psionics - In the center of the grounds sits the final tower for professors. The tower of Psionics looks to be formed completely of a pinkish energy, as is made from hard-light.   Tower of the Headmaster - Above the school sits a ring of stone bricks, unassuming in it's architecture. It is held aloft by a field of arcane energy emanating from all nine towers below. It has numerous windows and doors upon it's outside, and it seems to be rotating both horizontally as well as vertically in on itself.   Artisans Guilds -   Stoneworker's Guild - The stoneworker's guild is a building seemingly carved out of one massive rock. Outside of the building are big stone blocks seemingly quarries out of a pit behind it.   Woodworker's Guild - A sturdy building of oak and ash, this masteful building is a testament to woodworkers everywhere. Even the shingles are made of wood.   Tinkerer's Guild - This guild is a small and unassuming building, save for multiple smokestacks poking out of the roof and the massive pile of metal scrap, machine parts, and spare odds and ends sitting outside.   Metalworker's Guild - This is a relatively small building as well, with a very large outdoor forge connected to it.   The Turner Royal Foundry -   Named for Turner Blackthorn, this Siege Workshop is a Ascendancy Commission. Turner Blackthorn, like his grandson Palmer, was a champion of industry and forward thinking. The Royal Foundry was renamed to include him after his passing by High Overseer Palmer Blackthorn. The workshop is comprised of three buildings. One seems to be a large, open sided building where siege engines are assembles and then can be delivered to wherever they may be headed. Another looks to be a large stone building where dull thuds and explosions can be heard. It seems to be place to test the implements. Lastly there seems to be a large many windowed building in the back where a large amount of raw materials are gathered. This is seemingly the workshop, where the implements are created. A massive siege tower can be seen towering in the corner of the yard.

The Bronze Canton:

  The Southeast District, named for a bronze for the wealth accumulated here. A very rich district that is restricted from commoners who do not work within.   Description - "As you enter this district it has a distinct architectural identity as opposed to the freeform style of the Sojourner's Wedge. It's buildings are made of earthy clay baked bricks of a yellowish orange, many of the facades featuring a series of arched supporting columns and a small patio. The roofs are slanting an slightly concave, coming to a gradual point. The roof shingles vary, either made of a shining bronze or the dull green that accompanies oxidized copper."   Inns -   Martel's Hammer - An affluent inn, Martel's Hammer is where most rich out-of-towners stay.   Banks -   The Dragon's Bulwark - Primary bank of Urungal, and where most rich people store any valuables. It is a square building with a slow deliberately curved concave roof of light green shingles. It's first story overhangs the exterior a bit, with arched columns supporting it.   Sauna -   Auction House -   The Gentleman's Purse -   Theatre -   Animal Menagerie -   Kentell's Marvelous Menagerie: Home to all sorts of beasts and monstrosities, Kentell's is an experience for all who long to see the world's creatures.   It is essentially a park with walled enclosures, and some sunk into the ground. There are also several iron aviaries on the grounds. Within you can find the following creatures in their natural habitats.
  • Tressyms
  • Griffons
  • Displacer Beasts
  • A Brachiosaurus
  • A Manticore
  • Yetis
  • A herd of Aurochs and Wild Boar
  • Axe Beaks
  • A Behir
  • Dire Wolves
  • Elephants
  • Flying Monkeys
  • A Froghemoth
  • A Giant Snail
  • A Grey Render
  • Harpys
  • A herd of Unicorn
  • A Hydra
  • Minotaurs
  • Quicklings
  Mead Halls -   Wine House -   The Titled Terroir -   Bookstore -   Parks -   Glimmersteel Meadow -   Art Gallery -

The Anointed Crest:

  The Northwest District, it is built upon a built upon a hill. This district contains nice housing and shops and also most of the religious buildings and monasteries.   Description - "This district embraces the natural slope and beauty of the hill, with tall terraces and cuts in the side interspersed, and many large residential buildings conforming to it's incline. Among these terraces and paved places are wild gardens and orchards, small farms and greenhouses. Above it all, at the top of a winding set of stone steps, sits the great Basilica, as well as that Domed Compound."   Temples -   Church of the Protectors - The primary church devoted to the Tetrad; Bahamut, Pelor, Ioun, and Kord. This building is a many turreted Basilica, almost unbelievable in it's scale. It's towers peak at an aggressive angle, making them tall and thin. It has many arched stained glass windows, also peaked with great stone frames. Innumerable small details lay upon it, iconogrophy of the four gods, carvings of their likeness and symbols, storys of their triumphs and heroes, all immortalized within the very stone of it's many facades.   Knightly Order -   Citadel of the Roses - This complex is home to the Knights of the Ruby Throne. The central feature is a massive domed building of pale tan stone with a light red colored dome. This building is surrounded by multiple other buildings and courtyards in a square. at each corner of the square there are very tall round towers with extremely steep peaked roofs.   The Vaulted Conservatory -   Parks -   The Consecrated Gardens -   Fairgrounds -

Champion's Hillock:

  The Southwest District, Champion's Hillock is dedicated to fallen warriors. It has upper class residential buildings and shops.   Description - kljsalfj   Graveyards -   Crypt of the Guardian - A massive black stone hall with golden windows, doors, and roof. It is also a temple to Ioun, who holds the death domain within the Tetrad.   The Sepulcher to those gone - This Mausoleum holds both cremated and entombed remains of noble families, rich merchants, mages, and honored warriors.   Ioun's Necropolis - The graveyard for common folk and those unclaimed, it is a massive plot of land. This graveyard is lush and well tended even though it is not for those who are well off.   Tourney Grounds -   Parks -   dfasafd

Sojourner's Wedge:

  The Southern side of Urungal, and home to many Inns, Taverns, Markets, and low to middle class residential.   Inns -   The Trebuchet Tavern - Boasting claim to owning Turner Blackthorn's first Trebuchet, this tavern has a lively atmosphere. Indeed, a large disassembled trebuchet hangs from the main hall's rafters. The Trebuchet is owned and operated by lively young man named Bernard Thegan. Bernard is a very thin and pale young man with sandy hair and freckles. He has operated the inn for four years, since his father passed. He will point out the trebuchet to all new visitors and welcome them in. If they ask about the siege weapon he will tell them of Turner Blackthorn's siege of Aderburg in the South, which was taken by a Goliath warlord.   The Amnesiac's Pub - A very low-key establishment, the Amenesiac is a place where the drinks flow free and cheap, and you'll always have a place to pass out. For obvious reasons, this pub was named after the blackout drunk state that is so easily achieved within it's walls. Owned and operated by a woman named Cassiola Ledu. She is a middle aged woman of good looks and an airy demeanor.   Courier Service -   Bariman's Momentary Missives - The clerk here is named Carlton, a balding middle aged man of stern and staunch personality.   Gambling House -   kljdsf;alsdj   Vehicle Store -   kljsfl;skajdf   Merchant Insurance Stall -   Made for those who like to bet on trade, this stall allows people to pay a fee for insuring a merchant journey. If the journey is successful, they get a percentage, however if they are beset and the cargo or profit lost, the investment serves as collateral.   Public Headsman's Block -   kjls;jfasd

The Peddler's Plaza

  An open air market within the Sojourner's wedge, it has not closed in known memory.   Fresh Food Stalls -   Mo's Corned Sausages: Ran by the ever friendly Mo, the Dwarven friend of Cyrus, excellent corn dogs can be acquired here.   Armorer's Tents -   klsdjfadkfj   General Goods Stalls -   lkjsflkdjf   Magic Item Tent -   The Forge Spiral's Boon: Named for the Forge Spiral of Kaozhu, this magical item store is ran by an Iudossan Dragonborn merchant named Ryo Yong-Gi who works in tandem with the city. Ryo is a Copper Dragonborn who's scales have a dull shine with tinges of green at their ends.   Jeweler's Stand -   hlsdjfas   Musical Items Stall -   sfasf   Stationary and Ink Stand -   lsdjfklasdjf   Book Tent -   lkdjsfaldkjfsa