Starteich Settlement in Eltheris | World Anvil

Starteich (Star-tike)


  Literally named "Star's Fall" in the ancient language of humans, this city was originally built around a crater where a meteor fell. For a time people just decided to settle around it and it was a farming village. The village eventually built several mills and many farmers would bring their goods here. It became the central place of trade in the region south of Urungal. At this time it was part of a kingdom, whose city lies in ruins near the mountains. Eventually some metalworkers decided to try and forge metal from the great rock. They discovered it had no additional properties for protection, and was not distinct from steel. It was, however, a brilliant shade of copper that made it sought after by wealthy families. It was not until much later that it was discovered that the metal protects you in part from magical effects (+1 to saves against magic effects. not fireball and the like, something affecting the pc). This metal was named "Abjurum" later on.   Due to the metal industry and the high trading potential already here, Starteich grew into a bustling small town, and then into a large city. It is a respected place of industry and craftmanship on the continent of Qezun. They often trade with the mining settlement of Dysterten and many Dwarves travel here to behold the comet.


The Smith's Basin

This is the Center of Starteich, a massive crater and the Asteroid within. The actual asteroid is six miles in diameter, with the crater being around 15 miles in diameter. Several highly regulated mines and warehouses dot the crater. Security is high due to how lucrative the Abjurum mining business is. A large black stone wall surrounds the Basin, and only one gate and descent into the crater exists.   Dlkdsjalf;jd Mining Operation -   dfaf   Dlkdsjalf;jd Mining Operation -   fgsdfg   Dlkdsjalf;jd Mining Operation -   rdgf   jdjfklsj Warehouse -   ldskjflk   jdjfklsj Warehouse -   ldskjflk  

The Shining Square

  The Shining Square is a ward of the city dedicated to Bahamut, the patron of Starteich.   The Proving Grounds -   A gladiatorial arena where people fight either to the death or to near death. The gladiators here fight of their own choice for glory, gold, and favor in the eyes of the gods. The Patron God of the Proving Grounds is actually Bahamut. Kord has a temple dedicated to him in Oromond, so the Platinum Dragon became the focus of the Proving Grounds.
Large city