Lanoros, The Refugee King Character in Eltheris | World Anvil

Lanoros, The Refugee King (Lan-ore-ose)


  An old and wizened Spring Eladrin, Lanoros became King of Esselune during the Dread War. At the time of the Ember Spike's landing, Lanoros was leading a campaign against the Githyanki in the Realm Wars. He was in the Astral Sea at the time. He returned to a nearly completely destroyed Esselune. He soon learned that almost all had been destroyed, save Ens Lhelrenore. Fileadh'il had suffered much less destruction being as far North as it is, however many died there, including their King. He and his soldiers came to Eltexia, where he became known as the Refugee King. Although with two companions he restored Esselune and formed the Shilkamvaaris, the name stuck. He presides over Esselune still, a great sadness and somberness carried in his demeanor.