Hazelglenn Settlement in Eltheris | World Anvil



  Hazelglenn is a small farming settlement to the Southeast of Oromond. Most of the farmers bring their goods to market at Oromond, but some go to Riverbend or even North beyond Oromond.   One of the southern bread baskets, wheat and rye are huge products here. Acres of fields are dedicated to corn, and fields run full of grazing livestock.  


Farms  Hazelglenn Orchard: This orchard is where the village gets it's name. Consisting of acres upon acres of Hazelnut and Pecan trees, Hazelgenn is the primary source of these two nuts throughout the continent. It's a family orchard, who after some time, became the Hazelgenn family. Currently operated by Otwin and Dorika Hazelglenn as well as their children, the orchard is flourishing. They ship mostly to Oromond, but have started trading with the Goliaths to the South as well.     Mossy Boulder Ranch:    Blacksmith  Inn  Temple  Pelor's Temple: