Drasburgh Settlement in Eltheris | World Anvil

Drasburgh (Drass-berr)


    Drasburgh is the southern most city in the Apostasty Quinumvirate. The unique thing about Drasburgh is it's positioning. It sits entirely on a bridge over the Reidress Channel. The City is the most sprawling bridge on Qezun, stretching across the widest part of the river. When it was part of the Ascendancy, trade flowed into the heart of the continent. Now trade is more stemmed, although independent traders still make the trek downriver to take goods to Riverbend, Oromond, and occasionally Allanar.   During the Rebellion, a historic standoff was made by the Apostates here. There aren't many places to ford the river due to it's width and depth so crossings were integral, especially to get to Caldion. Therefore the Apostates tried to hold Drasburgh as a bottleneck. They quickly lost the Eastern side of the city, however held the other half for quite some time. Every step forward for the Ascendancy was slick with blood. It was eventually taken, but many within the Apostasy attribute Drasburgh as the factor that won the war, as afterward the Ascendancy could not sustain their army.   There are many different types of shops and businesses that reside on top of the bridge, but also a large amount of inns and residences. This is a transient city, with significant docks below the bridge. The bridge is too low and the river too shallow to support sailing ships, but massive poleboats and oarboats travel up and down the river in a constant stream. These boats come from the coast and the items they bring can originate from all over the world. Drasburgh is one of the best places to procure exotic items.



Main Thoroughfare

  The Main Thoroughfare is built around a massive main road that goes end to end. The road has to be at least 2,000 feet wide with a tangle of carts, horses, and general crowds going up and down the street at all times. To either side of the road are nice shops, taverns, restaurants, and pubs. This is the heart of Drasburgh commercialism, though one might say the docks are the heart of trade itself.   Weapon and Armor Shop -   Raydell's Splendorous Arms and Armor - A boastful human man named Raydell runs this shop, bragging that he learned to smith in his hometown of Starteich. Accordingly he has an accent from that region. His trademark is weapons and armor of a unique dark blue steel. Raydell is heavily muscled, however he's quite rotund as well. Rayell has dirty blonde hair and a massive mustache that covers his top lip.
  The Sweaty Smith - The human who runs this establishment is named Wilhull. He actually buys his wares from the docks, however the name was too catchy to pass up. Wilhull is a very slight man who is quite skinny. He's middle aged and is starting to bald.   Forge's Flame - Feldon Silveboots, a Gnome, runs a quaint little forge on the Western side of the Main Thoroughfare. He's younger and inquisitive by nature, with black-blue hair and thick spectacles.   Moradin's Arsenal - Operated by Granmir Dollam, a VERY tall Dwarf (sitting at a comfortable 5'7), this forge is lacking in comfort but has the finest craft in the city. Granmir has blonde hair, green eyes, and several golden teeth. Granmir's beard is worn in a bun with the sides shaved, and has a braided beard full of different rings.   Exotic Spices Shop -   Opulent Tastes - An Earth Genasi of pale yellow skin named Carnelian Operates Opulent tastes. Originally from Iudossos, his family moved to Qezun and live in Caldion. When Carnelian came of an age to move away, he chose Drasburgh. Many of the spices come from Iudossos, and his family owns a poleboat shipping business. Naturally, he buys his stock from them.   Inventory:   Crushed Black Pepper
Rock Sugar
Saffron   Exotic Animal Shop -   Handsome Companions - Phinneas Tosscobble owns this sprawling shop off the Main Thoroughfare. Phinneas is a Halfling with sandy hair, youthful vigor, and a scar on his face from a fall he took while riding an axebeak. Phinneas is originally from Ozran and has a great passion for animals. He treats them quite well, and even has care pamphlets printed at great cost to himself. The shop is a complex of four buildings connected by a courtyard, including the main storefront, a massive storage shed, a stable, and a greenhouse.   Inventory:   Hyenas
Baby Owlbear
Blink Dog
Horned Owl
Snapping Turtle
Black Panther
Southern Husky
Wolverine   Food Stalls -   Hot Pie Stand -   Beer and Pretzel Stall -   Boiled Chicken on a Stick Stall -   Sausage Stand -   Beef Stew Stall -   Shoe Shop -   Wondrous Boots - A Human woman called Tassos Alaniadis runs Wondrous Boots and sells top notch leather footwear. She is from the peninsula and has the trademark olive skin and dark hair.   Clothing Shop -   Radiant Garb - Nasia Vinici owns this storefront and operates it with pride.   General Goods Shop -   The Flapping Banner - An expansive storefront of glass panes, this building sits proud among the street. Stergios Rondou owns this place and is kind and courteous to all potential customers.   Bookstores -   The Sheltered Alcove - A very inquisitive and well learned male Aarokocra named Qorell is the owner of this dense shop. It is a teeny two story building cramped with shelves and books. How the owner feels comfortable here despite his avian nature is the true mystery.   Magic Item Shops -   Thaumaturgy and Mirrors - Owned by a Tiefling woman named Kalyola. This is a nice shop full of wondrous items, magic weapons, and armor. Kalyola is from Eltexia, however moved to the Apostasty after the secession. She's had great success with her business in Drasburgh.   The Mysticum Arcaneum Emporium - Ran by a stooped old Firbolg named Morwarin Aldercrown, this shop is quaint, tight spaced, and packed. The shelves hold copious boxes of random enchanting components, the counter littered with books and gems, and the Firbolg himself just brushing the ceiling. Morwarin is originally from Falynn however he has travelled a long time. He eventually found he had a knack for enchanting, and that he actually enjoyed the city life.   Pottery Shop -   Fire and Clay - Hulbard Mokraz Operates this kiln. A human man of average stature, he has honey colored hair with a well manicured mustache and goatee. His hair is short and wavy, his eyes grey-green.   Courier Service -   Bariman's Momentary Missives - A massive franchise, the front is not run by the owner. A young man named Harry works at the desk.   Barber -   The Shorn Sheep - A Human male name Siegwulf runs this establishment. He is massive, extremely muscled, with a bald head and a muttonstache. He takes his work very seriously.   Alchemy Shop -   Roots, Herbs, and Remedys - Dozu is a female Tortle who offers various herbs and homespun remedies from her home island.   Statue Shop -   Frozen Glory - Igbo Sercia is a Human male of larger frame, however to watch him work is mesmerizing. He is a master craftsman who is extremely methodical and delicate.   Jewelry Shop -   Opulent Accents - The Tabaxi Bleak Mesa (Bleak) sells jewelry here. He buys from the traders at the docks frequently, and sometimes works on commission pieces.   Candle Maker -   Tandy's Wicks - Tandy the Halfling woman runs the Chandlery in town. She is kind, bumbling, and completely overwhelmed as the only candlemaker in town. Most folk either buy from her or off the trading boats.   Brewery/Pubhouse -   Drasburgh Brewer's Guild - Drasburgh Brewers Guild is owned by a Human man named Aedwig and his Dwarven wife Ketrin. Ketrin brews the beer and Aedwig runs the taphouse.   Glass Blower -   Panes in Motely - The Half-Orc glassblower named Kunar works tirelessly on commission work as well as creating small glass trinkets.   Restaurants -   Serene Peace Teahouse - Tan Jian is a Brass Dragonborn who owns this teahouse. It also features small plates.   Gavn's Beefhouse - Gavn is a portly man with a good humor and bad temper. He cooks a fantasic steak and regularly buys garlic, onions, and butter in bulk. He also buys a ton of salt from Oppulent Tastes.   Braised Bones - An upscale stew shop, Braised Bones is where many well-to-do folk eat while on the Main Thoroughfare. The owner is named Visellia, a human woman of olive skin.   The Overflowing Kettle - This is a noodle and rice shop that takes the flavors from Iudossos and contextualizes them with more ready ingredients. This shop is ran by a female Dragonborn named Xiang Mei.   Bathhouses -   The Dragon Turtle's Respite - A water Genasi named Brine. It is a large stone room with a main floor and a basement. The roof features four individual peaks with steam that billows out the top from time to time. In the basement four rooms house massive fire braziers. Fire Genasi work down here. In the main floor there are two rooms that have rooms completely full of steam. The other two feature heated pools and baths to enjoy while steaming.   Theatre -   The Riedress Playhouse - A massive round establishment, you are able to come and sit and watch plays here. The stage sits in the center and raised seating surrounds it. An upper gallery is reserved for the wealthy or titled.   Dance/Music Halls -   The Silver Ballroom - Only open for select social events, this dance hall has a commanding view of the main road, and the clay walls are actually painted silver.   Gambling Houses -   Fate's Hand Game Hall - This establishment has multiple game rooms with different ways to gamble. The main hall features a massive game floor, a stocked bar, and a place to cash bets. Instead of chips there are little square coins with a outheld hand stamped into it.   Games:   Fate's Hand   Suggested buy-in: 50 gold pieces Each card player rolls 1d8 and keeps the score hidden. A player can then raise, call or fold a bet. Once all bets are equal, each player will roll an additional 1d6 dice and keep it secret as well.     The betting round restarts and players have a chance to raise, call or fold their bets once again. Then, whoever is left will add another 1d4 die to their rolls and repeat the betting process. Once that is done, whoever is left reveals their dice, and the winner takes 80% of the pot.   Sinking Stone   A ball falls down a board with rows of pegs sticking out. It eventually falls into one of twelve slots. Players get to bet on four slots that they think it will land in. If they fail, they can double the bet for possibly double the wins   Inns -   Leighton House - The Leighton House is probably the finest establishment in the district to lay your head. It's a towering three story tall in the leans in over the road. Owned by Oswin Leighton, it's a very old family establishment.   The Mule Stable - Where most of the working folk stay on the Main Thoroughfare, the Mule Stable is an affordable and comfortable place to rest your head. Guests can expect hearty meals and the occasional entertainer to be found here. Owned by Osfryd Tunbertson.   Ox, Rooster, and Crow - A small bed and breakfast establishment, this is more a tourist inn. It is a quaint little place not too far from the West bank entrance to the city, so visitors don't have to journey too far in and can see the more touristy sights without immersing themselves. Owned by Meropi Peride.

The Northern Expanse

  The upper class area on the Northern side of the Bridge of Drasburgh.   Keep -   Riverwatch Citadel - Home of the Governor (known as the Kidegora), Riverwatch Citadel is an isolated fortress protected by a curtain wall, and an inner wall with barbican inside. This keep is made of a mossy grey stone that is appealing to look at, and it has a commanding view of the river as it juts up against the edge of the Drasburgh Bridge.   The Governor's name is Danai Gabrili, who is quite social with her citizens within the Northern Expanse and the Main Thoroughfare.   Temples -   The Wildheart Chapel - A temple devoted to Melora, the chapel is made of pale green stone. The Wildheart Chapel sits proudly within the Northern Expanse of Drasburgh, and is dedicated to one of the three patrons of the city. Within the chapel it is humid and hot, a greenhouse. Light filters through stained glass that is covered with condensation, its rays fueling the low light plants throughout the building. Ivy curls along the walls, ferns cover the floor except for the stone path in the center, and the pews are made of logs. Mao De, a Green Dragonborn, is the Priest of Melora here, and leads her acolytes.   Mooncrest Sanctuary - A temple to Senahine the Moonweaver. An austere and imposing cathedral, Mooncrest Sanctuary is made of pale white stone. It's main tower looms all, sitting near the rear of the temple. At the point of the tower spire is a milky white stone with a lapis half circle behind the middle of the sphere. This is the symbol of the Moonweaver. There are stained glass windows along the sides of the temple, depicting several parts of Senahines story. The first is of Senahine's creation of the moon alongside Pelor, the Dawnfather creating the sun. The second depicts Senahine and Correlon creating the Elven people. A third depicts a famous victory of Senahine's, during the the Dread War over the titan Cirotralech. The interior is full of blue arcane lights that hover upon colonnades and plush pews line the main hall. In the back there is a large moon shaped altar and a statue of a beautiful elven woman. The priest of Mooncrest Sanctuary is named Noramer Flidrith, an Elven male. He is a moon elf of shorter stature and resplendent dark blue satin robes that have silver scrolling along the sleeves and mantle.   House of the Shifting Winds - A temple to Avandra the Changebringer. A simple stone temple, the Temple to Avandra is well maintained. Avandra is seen as a goddess of change and resistance against tyranny, and is therefore one of the most important gods within the Apostasy. Myriam (them/they), an Aasimar, is the herald of Avandra. They're skin is a pale white, and their hair a bright aqua green. Myriam's shadow is always half a second slower than their physical movements, not quite matching them.    Banquet Halls -   The Viridian Jewel - Made of a Viridian Green marble with darker striations, the Viridian Jewel is where most dignitaries are hosted while visiting Drasburgh. High society gathers here for banquets and balls, and then the dignitaries retire to the Riverwatch Citadel.   Mausoleum -   Crypt of the Honored Dead -   Inns -   The Royal Stag - The Royal Stag is extremely expensive and extremely exclusive due to that fact. This establishment is ran by Yengretor, a female Half-Elf. They only have five rooms, and the building is exquisite in it's build. The exterior resembles a royal hunting lodge, the base of stone bricks and the upper floor planed timber. The front door is at the corner of the building, which is shaped like a diamond. Above the door is a single tower. Within lies a parlor of rich dark wood and a grand staircase leading to the second floor. To the left is a smoking and wine room, the right houses several private dining rooms. In the back portion lie the innkeeps apartments and the kitchen as well as the larder. Upstairs the rooms are spacious, divine, and spotless. There are four on the second floor, and the king's suite lies within the tower.   The Vintner's Rest - A more sizeable establishment, the Vinter's rest is a distinguished inn specializing in fine wines, including desert wines and fortified wines. The owner is a jolly human male named Appius. Most of Appius' wines come from further North, from the vinters in the town of Poradeccia.   Restaurants -   The Auroch's Flank - Aptly named, this establishment's specialty is Aurochs Flank Steaks, expertly seasoned and flavored, served rare to medium rare.   The Drowned Trout - This place specializes in Drasburgh cuisine and elevating it to a higher level.   Shoe Shop -   The Gilded Awl -   Clothing Shop -   Tarrel's Wondrous Eveningwear - Tarrel is a kindhearted black man who seems to be from the area around Urungal. He hand stitches each garment.   General Goods Shop -   Jewelry Shop -   Sapphire's Shine - Owned by Thalia Kondous, a Human woman who is burdened with the dark secret of her Lycanthropy.   Candle Maker -   Wax and Flame -   Glass Blower -   Crystal Panes -   Bathhouses -   Steam's Embrace - Steam's Embrace is beautiful stone brick building with a slate roof. The interior contains two baths as well as one steam room. This is operated by a female Moon Elf named Rosalor Oakriver. She's originally from Eltexia.

The South Fringe

  The southern side of the Bridge of Drasburgh is usually where the poor live and die. They work here as well, or down at the docks.   Gambling Houses -   Last Chance Card House -   Inns -   The Noble Steed - the Noble Steed is a wooden establishment with a coat on faded and peeling yellow paint, and a sign with a warhorse mid-rear. It is not a nice place, but it's not the worst place. Maluburk the Half-Orc runs this spot.   Grenn's Golden Hall - Lots of light emanates from this establishment, as the inside is filled with bright lanterns and candles. Unfortunately, all that glitters is not gold, as this is a dingy establishment that has seen better days. Grenn, a Human man, tries his best with the gold he has to keep it clean and well maintained, however it's difficult with the low foot traffic of travelers in the South Fringe.   A Pot To Piss In - By all means the worst place to stay in Drasburgh, but for 5 copper a night it's a real bargain. A wood shack with some canvas rooms off of it, A Pot To Piss In does not actually have a chamber pot. It is operated by Zagrak the Hobgoblin.   Pubs/Bars -   Food Stalls -   Corned Sausage Stand -   Beef Stew Stall -   Oat Cakes Stand -   Turkey Leg Stall -   Shoe Shop -   Harold's Boots   Clothing Shop -   Cotton to Cloth   General Goods Shop -   Loxdoal's Goods -   Temples -   The Changebringer's Shelter - A temple to Avandra, the Changebringer. Igrik, a female goblin, leads this temple. She has skin the color of pistachio and long grey hair that is tied back save for two braids on either side of her face.    Church of the Wary Sword - Temple to Arvoreen, the Halfing God of War. Led by their priest Flynwick Hinderhall, the church focuses on protection of one's self and others. Flynwick is a grizzled middle aged halfling with an eyepatch and shorn head. He sports a close kept beard save for a bald scar that travels down his cheek to his neck.    The Cavemother's Temple - A temple to Luthic, the Lawful Evil Orcish Diety, and kindest of the Orc Pantheon. The priestess Anzkuv Bomva presides over the temple. She is a half orc of shorter stature, and while muscled, she is lithe and slender. Her hair is cut slightly above shoulder length, and her tusks are almost straight with very little curve.    Catacombs -   The Black Tunnels - A series of twisting tunnels under the South Fringe, most of the dead from above end up here. The black tunnels are made of grey brick, however hours of torchburn have turned most permanently soot-black. It's very easy to get lost down here. The entrances are small mausoleum like buildings with staircases leading downward.

Docks of Drasburgh

  The Docks of Drasburgh are where most of the raw and unprocessed goods are traded, as well as where many traders buy their stock (spices, pottery, weapons, etc.). The Docks are the lifeblood of the city, connecting them to the Ocean. Here you can find a myriad of ships and captains, any raw material you need, or work on the docks.   Portreev's Office -   The Portreev's Office is a stone building built into the side of the West Arch, opening on to the Docks beneath the bridge. The Portreev, Yannis Brightpool, is a Water Genasi man of heavier set. He has dark green skin and black-blue hair. His eyes are a bright yellow and he sports small arm fins.    Trading Stalls -     Ships -   The Greenwater Drifter -   Old Poler   The Tidebringer -   Caldion's Pride -   The Riverunner -

The West Arch

  Mostly residential, the middle class of Drasburgh live here.

The Eastern Span

  The Eastern span is thought to be largely abandoned, with only the homeless or criminals shacking up here.   The Pardoning Safehouse -   Temple to Vecna -   The cult of Vecna refers to their temple as "The Whispered Warrens".

Ramadruul's Lighthouse

  Owned by the powerful wizard Tott Plollul, this pale yellow tower is half submerged beneath the Riedress Channel, the top of the tower matching the height of Drasburgh. It is named after one of the Ancient Wizards of the first era, Ramadruul.  
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Large city