Dhar Gulbondhim Settlement in Eltheris | World Anvil

Dhar Gulbondhim (Darr Gull-bawnd-em)


  A sprawling metropolis in the deepest roots of the Gaulfell Mountains, Dhar Gulbondhim has stood since the Dread War. Originally a colony of Bahn Hagborum, it became the center of Dwarven society when an unknown tragedy befell the folk of the previous Capitol.


Stonefell Hollow

  Where Dwarves first made "land" on Qezun, this was the first few chambers (and the original colony) ever created by the Dwarves within the Gaulfells. Many visitors may only see this part of the city, as most trade with the outside world is done here. 
  City Security -
  Security Check Gates: The security to Dhar Gulbondhim is intricate, complex, and a headache. There are seven different security checkpoints behind stone gates, each of them a towering hall. Within each hall are two long towering pillars carved in the likeness of members of the Mordinsmen, the Dwarven Gods. In each hall is a long and winding path guided by small stone pillars linked with fine red wool sashes. At the end of each hall is a series of stone boxes with vigilant Dwarves on the lookout. 
  Hall One - Hall one is a screening for various known criminals and smugglers, whom will be ejected if found to be nefarious enough. 
  Hall Two - Hall two is a screening for illegal substances such as gunpowder, drugs, and poisons.
  Hall Three - Hall three screens for illegal weapons or armors.
  Hall Four - Hall four screens for religious iconography of Gods that oppose the Mordinsmen. 
  Hall Five - Hall five screens for dangerous magical weapons and all magical items must be cleared with the chief of security for the hall.
  Hall Six - Hall six screens for counterfeit currencies.
  Hall Seven - Hall seven screens for people of political note, and has them report their business to the chief of security.

Clanmeet Hall

  Set at the nexus of all Dwarven Roads, the Nexus Hall is a massive carved cavern that connects to to Stonefell Hollow by a great many stairs. Two roads can be seen boring through the rock to both North and South, connecting to Kegh Koraldur, Degguldaar, and Homduar. This was where the Dwarven Clans of Old departed from one another to create more cities. Since then, a myriad of new clans have sprung up to support the original four. To the East is a large balcony overlooking the rest of the city in a cavern easily four times it's size. There are also more specialized traders set up here, to do trade with others travelling between the cities. 

Dughálach's Steeple

  Named after Clan Dugálach's founder, Tisra Dugálach, this cavern is a vertical tube with infinite floors, bridges, elevators and shafts that branch off. At it's bottom sit the great Clan Houses of old. 

The Godsbellow

  Where all the crafting of Dhar Gulbondhim happens. A drum-like cavern, The Godsbellow brings in super-chilled air from the mountain's exterior by way of carved stone channels that connect to an intricate pipe system of nickel tubes. These tubes lattice down the right side of the cavern in clear, organized patterns, branching and joining. Eventually they turn horizontal and run across a series of metal rafters. Here they connect to the various buildings and forges, feeding the forge fires as well as cooling quench water with fresh mountain air.

Dumathoin's Hoard

  Named for the Dwarven god Dumathoin, this is the treasury of the entire Gaulfell Conglomerate. Locked behind gate after gate after gate, the hoard is heavily protected. If one were to make it through the progressively smaller gates they would come to a Dwarf sized adamantium door. Within is an immense box made of an Adamantium and Abjurum alloy.