The Entas Mountains Geographic Location in Elsinya | World Anvil
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The Entas Mountains

The Entas mountain range is the tallest most rugged range on the continent of Alnn. Splitting the continent north to the south generally following the eastern shore. These mountains are mostly uninhabited except for the occasional dwarven community living atop the mountain peaks. They remain wild, untamed, and unexplored bordering the feywild.


Rough, jagged, and tall mountains, the Entas Range dominate eastern Alnn making travel through them near impossible. Most of the range is covered with snow year-round and only hardened plants and animals are able to make their home here. The remoteness of them makes this a prized location for dragons to make their home.
Alternative Name(s)
The Dwarven Heights, The Frigid Peaks, The Highlands
Mountain Range
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