Penyanbergua (Pen-yan-berg-wa)

The penyanbergua, also often called the Tsrachian "ambush" or "cave" bear, was considered hunted into extinction for the past seventy eochs. Tsrachian inhabitants were known to follow ambush bears into their caves to kill them for their pelts, their meat, their claws, and good living spaces within caves. No ambush bear attacks had been relayed to the MMC at any point since a diseased bear was found wandering the Endless Passage. However, recent attacks on the Endless Passage have led to the conclusion that the bear has re-emerged into the Tsrachian Wastes.

Basic Information


The Tsrachian ambush bear is physically similar to other large bears including Borian (polar) and Anathy (black) bears. While the ambush bear is often smaller than its two cousin species, often only reaching 5 feet in erect height, the ambush bear has two key morphological differences: the head and the forearms. The ambush bear's head is more compact than other bears, with a longer snout, shorter teeth, and two sets of eyes (one smaller and one larger than a normal bear). The ambush bear also has a very short outer digit on the paw with a large, thick nail that extends backward along the forearm.   Ambush bears are often very muscular in the chest and forearms with narrower and weaker hips and rear legs.

Genetics and Reproduction

No one has ever specifically studied the reproduction of ambush bears, largely due to the high danger involved in working within their known ranges both from the bears and the inhabitants of the Tsrachian Wastes. However, many have speculated that it is the same as other bear species.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ambush bears predominantly eat meat, so far as anyone can tell. It is possible they will eat forage, but ambush bears are known to active caravans in pairs or triads and attempt to maim or kill people before dragging them away into their caves. The bears will use their strong outer claw, which is normally used for digging, to attack potential prey. Though some roots have been found in ambush bear dens along with animal bones, it is unclear why and how those roots got there.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ambush bears have poor hearing compared to cousin species, though this is largely because ambush bears predominantly "listen" through detecting vibrations in the ground around them. Ambush bears are highly sensitive to vibrations in rock or soil which is in contact with their skin. This vibration sense helps ambush bears detect (and avoid) prey without needing to specifically locate sounds, which is very useful within cave systems where echoes can distort locality.   Ambush bears also have two sets of eyes, each with a pupil set at a fixed diameter. The smaller set of eyes, the "light eyes", are used when the ambush bear is in high light areas but otherwise remains closed. Likewise, the larger set of "darkness eyes" function well in the dark but otherwise remain closed.
Conservation Status
Though the ambush bear was previously considered extinct, this was widely considered to be a positive change.


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