Halfling Ethnicity in Elotia | World Anvil


The people who came from the Splitstone Islands were sometimes called ‘halflings’ (a pejorative remark based on the fact that some considered them only “half” people, though people from the Islands had adopted the word as a descriptor of their land with its two main islands).   The people of the Splitstone Islands have sun-weathered skin, dark hair, and are quite rare outside of the Islands themselves. Splitstone has a loose alliance with Brist, so halfings are sometimes seen in Brist and occasionally beyond, the typically only when they are working as fully-trained Druids. The people of Splitstone want to keep their children on the islands, learning and continuing their heritage of working with ice and water, but they are also aware of the draw of the natural magic arts in Brist. There have also been stories of those from Splitstone seeking to explore north, to establish new communities on lands not yet known, but there are more immediate concerns. Splitstone sees very few visitors, but it openly welcomes those that do come and some have even been known to stay and learn from them, drawn by the beauty of the ice.


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