Yarai Organization in Elohi | World Anvil
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"A Yarai is good for one thing and that's stealing from another Yarai."
Common-Saying within the Confederation


It is common for most craftsmen, artisans, and traders of the Masi to be affiliated with at least one of these groups on the lowest rank, just for the protection as being an independent skilled laborer or tradesmen always leads to the threat of mysterious destruction of property, predatory price undermining, stolen goods, loan sharking, and even in extreme cases blunt violence all from the local Yarai Guild, and as the Whisper are independent overseers and must remain neutral in all legal and judicial tasking it is hard to make a case against a group of ten, twenty, or even fifty for that matter when you don't have solid evidence to back your claims up.

Listed below would be a simple rank structure for a smaller Yarai Guild:  
  • Lower Yara - Basic low-skilled artisan or craftsmen.
  • Higher Yara - Average standard-skilled artisan or craftsmen, most Traders start here on the hierarchy. 
  • Lower Yarai - At this point most likely not a skilled laborer anymore focused on office work, organizing, and/or financial planning and keeping.
  • Higher Yarai - Master in organizing, planning, working, and keeping of all things merchant and finance, or well-reknowed craftsmen and artisans.
  • Yarani - Usually the founder, expert, or most rich out of all the members of said Yarai Guild.

Public Agenda

Is simple and hasn't changed since the beginning of the first Yarai Guilds hundreds of awens ago, that is the mutual protection of our finance and economic interests for all those who are with me  Whether that be through equal free trade, strong-arming, or underhanded tactics.


The history of the Yarai could also be seen as the history of the Masi as finance and trade has deep roots in the people's society and culture, nothing supports that claim more than the existence of the Yarai itself which is a collection and union of the Confederation's most influential and powerful: craftsmen, artisans, and traders who use subversive, deceitful, and downright dirty tactics to get what they want merchantly and financially domestically and abroad. It is said in the ancient awens when Qostillo was still being constructed and renovated that like-minded and skilled craftsmen and artisans banded together to influence the share and prices of the markets and streets where they created and peddled their goods it was thus seen that the first Yarai was born, and from there they would use their expansive wealth and trade output to destroy competitors and in the process expand their own profit holdings slowly but surely turning each Yarai Guild into a self-contained economic and financial giant that not even the Yi could contest fully.   Don't be fooled though as even though the Yarai is the core of the Confederation it is the Yi who is the head and is the end all in terms of rule and law, which is backed up by the Army itself, Dopsi, and the Whisper. It is a common proverb within the Confederation that while every Yarai is in fact a servant to the Yi, every Yi is in fact a servant to the Yarai. It almost sounds like it was ignorant for the first Yi's to allow for such an economic force to be created while underneath their reigns, but due to the multiple crises and wars during the founding of the Masi Kingdom and then Confederation, the Yarai would become a close ally to the Yi's of old supplying them with the money, mercenaries, and trade output needed to sustain the weight of Rulership in the end also becoming close advisors, delegates, and supporters of the Yi and Head Families. They also protect the Confederation's interests abroad and domestically with foreign traders, trade investments, financial loans, and sometimes even raising mercenary armies when the Yi wills it. There have been many instances in Masi and Confederation history of many a Yi trying to cut the power of the Yarai off by force even to the point of open conflict like with the Raqios Incident in Jarrial of 958 AS, but usually these burn out as the Yarai are the economic backbone and manufacturing core of the Confederation. The Yarai have done the same as the Yi, usurp the power of the other for their own gain, but theirs too fell apart quickly without the support of the Whisper, Dopsi, and the Lower Class like with the Navia Riots in Arthi of 1108 AS as most of peasants and freemen view the Yarai as the embodiment of selfless greedy hedonists.   Thus now both the Yi and Yarai now use more subversive tactics to get what they want sabotaging each other when needed and helping each other when need be for each other's survival as both sides know that in the end, they both need each other for their continued survival and prosperity.    The most powerful of the Yarai Guilds are: the Pavos Artisans, the Tavau Guild, and the Eriis Craftsmen.

Every Man has his Due.

Founding Date
Theorized to be sometime in the Qaya or Daya Period
Guild, Professional
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

One of the defining achievements of the Confederation is the creation of the Two-Fifths and with it the creation of the Whisper, an independent organization whose sole purpose is to enforce and amend the Charter which leads them to buttheads with the Yarai daily over land disputes, trade agreements, financial transactions, and all things economically inclined, but at the same time on more than one occasion the Whisper have been the ones to confiscate stolen goods, enforce debt collecting, and ensure trade rights and agreements are upheld between two parties meaning that the two organizations while not on the best of terms are not entirely hateful and spiteful of each other.

Uneasy Alliance

While the Dopsi pride themselves on being the speakers of the Common-Man, and usually seek lives away from the greed and hedonism of the World it wasn't the general peasants or freemen that were the ones to build the extravagant and beautiful Sanctums that the Masi Dopsi inhabit nor the fine clothes and jewelry that they wear. No, that would of course be the craftsmen and artisans of the Yarai Guilds who try as they might to distance themselves from are also in an ironic uneasy agreement with, while at the same time undermining each other for central and core power within the Confederation.

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