Tales of Merdrona; The Joining of the Seas Item in Ellie's World | World Anvil
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Tales of Merdrona; The Joining of the Seas

A locked leather bound book (divination)   The title is in a very old version of common but your learned a little at the temple, it's called the Tales of Merdrona; The joining of the Seas. Merdrona is a country from old legends, most people don't think it really exists. The lock and adornments look to be made of brass The book looks to be about 800 pages as you open it you notice the pages are blank. You flip back to the front page and words start to appear in the old common and then slowly shift to slyvian. It's the start of the legend of Umberlee and Talos the Storm Lord. You've heard this story before but this version is very different from what you've heard before. It only goes for about two pages. The original legend says the Umberlee tried to take Talos' domain of storms and ended up marrying him once she found she couldn't beat him, this version is more like a love story. The book is still mostly blank.   rewarded in Session 2