Flight of the Ravens Tradition / Ritual in Ellecrid | World Anvil

Flight of the Ravens

"Let your sins be judged and your transgressions be drowned in retribution. This bloody feather shall mark the end of your plight upon the world. I draw and your spirit shall die. I draw and like the raven, I fly."


The flight of the ravens is an ancient technique mastered by the founder of the clan, Ishiro Makuta in the earliest days of the Great Clans. a specific date cannot truly be found, but scholars believe the honing of the technique began sometime in the second Era. For many years it did not see combat, or a sparring partner, this was intentional by Ishiro, believing his technique should never be used on those undeserving of it. It is said that Ishiro honed the technique over the course of a decade before it was ever seen. Being a descendant of the Yokai of the Crane Basin, Ishiro was able to utilize this as an edge in the development of the technique so that no one could copy or bastardize his life's work. It is no secret that the only way he and his descendants can use this technique is due to their uncanny nature and their lycanthropy, specifically being Were-ravens.


Much like many other sword techniques, the flight utilizes the entire body in it's execution. However, due to the need to be a were-raven, or the ability to sprout wings as a key component, it is very difficult to imitate or copy. The technique begins by the swordsmen taking a stance from which they will draw their blade from the scabbard. As the build tension and steady their breath, they begin to transform into their hybrid were-raven form, sprouting wings from their back. This process also hollows their bones, forcing the swordsman to stand completely still. As the transformation continues, the swordsman must then begin to transform back, molting their feathers. But before they can fully transform back, they resume their transformation, beating their wings in order to kick up the molted feathers towards their opponent. This creates a sort of vacuum in space, within which, the swordsman will finally lunge forward, using their wings to breach greater speeds through the pseudo-vacuum and draw on their opponent. This technique is usually reserved for a last ditch effort or a quick finish to a confrontation that may not have even begun yet. When executed correctly, it is a devastating attack that very few can counter based on the speed of the attack alone. The build up may seem prolonged, but members of the clan who have achieved proficiency in the technique can execute it within four seconds, some even quicker than that. Witnessing a master perform the technique should appear as though the target is looking down a tunnel of swirling feathers as the clansmen assumes the form of a bird-like creature, poised to draw their sword and rend whatever is in the way in twain. The last thing most see is the clansmen take in a breath and lunge forward in a blink and you'll miss it moment.

Components and tools

The clansmen who perform this technique are taught to do so with the iconic curved Arata blades most common to the Crane Basin. Their light and curved forms work best for the technique.