Dragon Barges Vehicle in Ellecrid | World Anvil

Dragon Barges

The most common martial naval vessel among the Kawakani barge family would be the Dragon barges, specifically designed for ship-to-ship combat. These barges are usually never appropriated from their parent counterparts as they are built with a few key features that set them apart. Most notably being their Dragon's breath weapon that earns them their name.


Alike to its other barge family members, the Dragon barges are oar powered with rudders slight enough to make quick shifts and turns while in the rivers. Their streamline build allows them to be very agile and quick with as few oarsmen as possible.

Weapons & Armament

Theses barges carry with them a compliment of weapons onboard. The rectangular prow includes a spearhead like shape  with a dragon head figurehead. A ram sits beneath the surface of the water to be used to breach other barges in ship-to-ship combat. They also carry with them a series of javelins, bows and arrows, as well as boarding axes and grapples.   What gives the dragon barges their name are their iconic dragon figureheads, but moreover, it is the weapon within. The barges carry with them a well of an alchemist fire variant that can be pumped through a pipeline up through the dragon's mouth and pour over the enemy ship and crew. the flow is ignited by the two smoldering fangs of the dragon as it pumps through. This is used primarily in tandem with the ram and grapples.

Armor and defense

The defensive amenities for the Dragon barges are minimal so as to minimize weight and drag in the water. Their rails do have paneled plates as well as iron rods along the bottom of the hull. Most notably, they do sport positions to hold shields upright as a temporary defensive structure that can be removed and used by soldiers when boarding or in beached combat.

Communication Tools & Systems

The dragon barges use both horns and drums as signals and communication systems between barges while on the water or in the midst of combat, but they have also been known to use flags while navigating the riverways.
River Dragon
Current location
5000 gp
1 ton
45 knots per hour
Complement / Crew
20 soldiers
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
600 lbs