Orc Ethnicity in Elios | World Anvil
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Crooked Claw

by Loic Muzy


Chief Nurrsh
  • 50 Orc Warriors

Jagged Blade

by Einar Martinsen


Chief Bayoa
Orc Scouting Party
  • Shaman, 5 Lieutenants, and 25 Warriors that make up 5 scouting parties
  • 30 + Orcs

Black Arrows

by Darek Zabrocki


  • 100 archers


aka The Death Squad
by Andre Gilliam


Chief Ommcht
  • 30 warriors 30 dire wolves

Flaming Skull

by Mansik Yang


Chief Jagesh
  • 2 Generals
  • 1 War Shaman
  • 5 Shamans
  • 1000 Warriors
  • 500 Non-combatants (Elderly, young & slaves)

Red Fang

All female tribe of Orc warriors.  
by Christ Adiel


Chief Ving
  • Shaman
  • 1 General
  • 500 Warriors
  • unknown number of goblin, dwarf and gnome weapon smith slaves

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

  • Laz
  • Kaui
  • Sursha
  • Tuzum
  • Poguz

Masculine names

  • Mugbu
  • Tollik
  • Rambul
  • Fok
  • Grimfang

Unisex names

Usually, a title or descriptive name can be used to address either males or females. Some examples are;   · the Wanderer · Gorebleeder · the Tallowhand · Trollsbane · Jaw-Breaker

Family names

The Orcs of Elios do not have the normal naming traditions seen among other races. These Orcs were magically created centuries ago by magic and divinity as a last ditch effort by King Orcanthalas. This caused many to become very savage and without reason. Over time however, most began to regain the knowledge of their past variants. Now they name themselves with parts of words in their old Elven language.


Beauty Ideals

The orcs of these tribes have no need for beauty in the same sense as others. For these tribes, scares are seen as beautiful as it shows both sexes that the individual is a true warrior and fears nothing.

Gender Ideals

Orcs obviously know the difference between males and females, but other than procreation they do not acknowledge gender in their day to day lives.

Courtship Ideals

Sometimes males or females looking for a life partner will add a few trinkets, such as bones, claws, feathers or scraps of fur, to their armor in hopes that their interest will look their way. For the most part however, both sexes will just tell the other that they are now mates.

Relationship Ideals

Once in a relationship, Orcs are in that relationship for the rest of their lives and if one partner is to parish, the other remains alone for the remainder of their life.

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