Gustave Curie Character in Elion Prime | World Anvil
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Gustave Curie

Gustave Curie is a male rock gnome from the Sunset Hills. As an engineer and tinkerer of sorts, he is specifically fascinated with the how buildings are made, its composition, and the construction proces. This has led him to specialize in the study of materials, alloys, concrete, cement, etc. His fascination with this aspect of construction as well as the aesthetics of buildings and structures swept him to travel and study with some of the most prominent builders/builders amongst his peers. He took his studies a step further by widening his focus to other races like the Hill Dwarves that happened to reside in the same region, as well as the artistry and elegance of design prominent in Elven architecture within the Forest of Dreams, and then lastly the efficiency and sheer force of will of the humans in the city of Loggenspire. With the knowledge that Gustave has acquired throughout those formative years, it has helped him to gain partnership with some of the most prominent builders and architects in Loggenspire where he applied his wealth of knowledge. He was even recruited to be a member in the Mason Guild called "The Pillars". However, Gustave was not satisfied. Despite his contributions in the actual creation process of each building, he was always just an after thought. As the co-creator on these collaborations, his name was never front in center. In a few instances they even got his name wrong putting down Gutrie, a mashup of his first and last name and also his father’s name. Ultimately, this didn’t really bother him because there was always more to learn, more efficient cost effective ways to construct buildings, ways to make buildings look more artistic, and more materials to discover.   So for lengthy periods of time Gustave would lock himself away in his lab experimenting with different building materials, testing its longevity and structural integrity, taking notes, and trying again. One day he made a breakthrough, he discovered a way to build a structure which he called a Covalent Style building, that let the builder use cheaper material, but still maintain its solid structural integrity. Gustave took it to the City Clerk’s office, a building he had helped design. Due to some bureaucratic red tape his request was denied. Ever the perfectionist, Gustave simply could not let this decision slip. He posed as a city building inspector, and visited his previous work, and seeing the glaring blemish, he went ahead and destroyed the building. Suffice to say, Gustave’s reputation took a hit.   His ability to pinpoint a structure's imperfection and use it to his advantage caught the attention of a local assassins guild called "The Reach" where he could express his engineering genius and even take contracts that involved “correcting” his past mistakes, and get back at those that have wronged him. As a recruit of the Reach, The Inevitable One grew to appreciate Gustave’s intellect, finding his unique approach to taking down a mark refreshing. Gustave has made full use of the guild’s workshop, and access to unique and obscure materials which has inspired him to venture into a new hobby... explosives.

The Reach

For Shadowwalk   Target: Gilbrand Castasis Before - 4/26 (5 days from now)   Platinum Patrons - Member of the Merchants Guild - Accountant   He is a Lord Brother Dalton politician Brother - Church of Cigna Resident of Castasis Compound   Guild Hall - Blueprints for the building (The Foundation - Mason's Guild)     Bhalenor Stonecaster is the Dwarven Leader of the guild, and he served as mentor for Gustave.   Went to loggenspire drinkery (Castasis comes by on the weekend - last home game). __________________________   Castasis family has a Blitzaball Box (1 -2 - 1) Laramie sucks at blitzball.   celebration - annual meeting of the three chambers of the nexus isle. chamber of commerce, lords, and chamber of commons   Party on Waterday for Gil to make announcement. Possibly running for chairman of chamber of lords. Has a relationship with chamber of commerce.   May need to steal an invitation to the party.

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The Journal Entry’s title

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