Delegation of the Diamond Soul Organization in Elion Prime | World Anvil
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Delegation of the Diamond Soul

The Delegation of the Diamond Soul(DDS) is the holy order dedicated to the deity, that most people consider the strongest and most revered, Diomox.    The largest temple dedicated to Diomox is located in the city of Yulis, but other temples can be found in the three major capital cities of Iberrios, including Regalia and Lariot. DDS HQ is also located in the city of Yulis.    The current head of the order is High Priestess Genevieve Lloras.   *Religious orders serve multiple functions for the lay people, and worshippers of the respective deity. 
  1. Religious orders provide specialized services not typically accessible to town or city temples. 
  2. Removal of curses- Exorcisms
    • Membership to religious orders are usually earned with either the candidate passing through a test of faith, or the order seeks out talented individuals considered to be "chosen"/"gifted" by the gods.

  3. Religious orders are in service of their deity's as militant arm usually involved with repelling incursions, and slaying evil(including aberrations, demons, and devils). 
  4. Religious order serve in charitable capacities as well including soup kitchens, and providing housing. 


High Priestess Paladin General Cleric General

Possess the Diamond Resolve of Diomox


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