Order of Erdantia Scarf Item in Elemaran | World Anvil
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Order of Erdantia Scarf

Each operative of The Order of Erdantia wears a coloured scarf for ceremonial purposes. The scarf has a short tail hanging from the front, and a long tail running down the back, reaching the calves. The scarf is used to show rank and role within ceremonial occasions and is a form of social status within the Order.

Colour key

Each sash has a main colour that indicates experience and a border colour that indicates division. Adornments can also indicate further achievements.

General Operatives/Command Operatives

All of these have a greyscale main colour and (usually) a black border colour.


The trainee rank has a white main colour and no border.


The apprentice rank has a white main colour and a black stripe at the bottom.

Trained operative

The trained operative rank has a white main colour and a black border.


The master rank has a light grey main colour and a black border.


The council rank has a darker grey main colour and a black border.


The Overseer of the Order of Erdantia rank has a black main colour and white border.

The Swans Division

Operatives of the Swans Division have a red main colour and no borders. They have no ranks within this division so there is no variation.

The Eagles Division

Operatives of the Eagles Division have bright main colours and orange borders.

In training

Training Eagles have a white main colour and orange borders


Apprentice Eagles have a yellow main colour and orange borders.

Field time

Eagles spending their two years in the field have a cyan main colour and orange borders


Eagles who have completed two years in the field are awarded a scarf with a faded blue main colour and orange borders


Eagles who have taken on a training Eagle of their own, are awarded a scarf with a red main colour and orange borders.


The Hawks Division have the same main colours as the Eagles, but have navy-blue borders

In training

Training Hawks have a white main colour and navy-blue borders


Apprentice Hawks have a yellow main colour and navy-blue borders.

Field time

Hawks spending their two years in the field have a cyan main colour and navy-blue borders


Hawks who have completed two years in the field are awarded a scarf with a faded-blue main colour and navy-blue borders.


Hawks who have taken on a training Hawk of their own, are awarded a scarf with a red main colour and navy-blue borders.


Adornments of an operative's sash can indicate specialisation, achievements, and any further veterancy.


  • Psychological warfare - Copper star with six points
  • Assassination - Iron star with six points
  • Cyphers - Small iron cylinder around two centimeters long.


  • Medal of excellent service - Complete five successful missions. Iron four-point star
  • Medal of high significance - Complete a mission deemed critical by the King (there have been seven such missions in the history of the Order so far). Gold six-point star.
  • Medal of outstanding skill - Complete a mission displaying skills far beyond anything that had been taught.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Owning Organization

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