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Ironweave is a composite textile made from leather and threads of metal woven in. The term can also be used to refer to cloth also woven with metal.


Material Characteristics

Ironweave typically resembles normal leather, with flecks of metal visible on the surface. A skilled craftsman, however, can weave patterns of metal into the leather, the threads flowing through it like water.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The properties of ironweave can vary wildly depending on the metal used. Using steel and kakellium can result in an extremely durable material, even offering a degree of protection if used in clothing. Mixing in gold and silver is common among nobility, creating a beautiful yet practical textile. Kesselium can also be used, allowing for enchantments on clothing without the use of enchantment studs.

History & Usage


Ironweave was first made in Aven by leatherworker Aes Elperen. In 1548, he discovered that when weaving threads of steel into leather, he could increase its tensile strength greatly. He named it neselrin, Eserisk for "woven steel". Among Erdantian-speakers, it was commonly called ironweave. Further improvements were made by several independent craftsmen, who applied this process to different materials, such as using kakellium, gold, silver, or kesselium in place of steel, or cloth in place of leather.

Everyday use

Ironweave is common in clothing, kakellium-woven ironweave is a good alternative to plate armour, and cloth-based ironweave mixed with kessellium is often used by mages to increase their power.


Trade & Market

Ironweave is an expensive item, taking a long time to manufacture. As such, it is often too expensive for most to buy. It is commonly used by nobility, elite soldiers, and other well-off people.

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