Hawk. Character in Eldritch Earth | World Anvil


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hawk's proportions don't seem quite right. Her smile seems a bit too sharp. Hawk's jaw is too... bold. It's impossible to put to words what looks wrong about her exactly, but something isn't right. A woman shouldn't be put together like that.   In the right light, in the STORM, her face splits. Extra teeth line her cheeks. Her jaw unhinges.

Facial Features

Hawk's face carries a peculiar angularity to its cheeks and eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

She smells like LIGHTNING and OZONE even when she's not standing atop her ALTAR.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hawk was not alwasy named Hawk. She was something else. Once. Before the dark. Before the storm. She was young, then. She was young, and alone, and the sky was so wide, a great mouth which stretched open, a tongue of lightning lolling forth endless eyes lining that impossible snarl.


Hawk is entirely homosexual, and her interests run wild. She is a woman of passions and electric fury; her love is ferocious and utterly devoted, the sort of manic attention which can rip someone apart should they not be expecting it.


Before everything changed, Hawk was pursuing a degree in Economics at nearby Port Smith Community College. The subject wasn't something Hawk held particular interest in, mind, but it was a way to spend time, plus the debates with some of her classmates were entertaining.   Now, Hawk's education is of an entirely different sort.


In her earlier days, Hawk wanted to help people. She wanted to learn the numbers behind the world so she could use her abilities, her brain, to help. Fix the world. Find its edges and smooth them out. Maybe she wanted to be a social worker, but it doesn't really matter anymore.    Because now, Hawk has a job more important than anything she could have dreamed of before. She speaks to the STORM TEETH, and her fingers spasm with lightning arcs.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Listen.   Listen to me.   When Hawk was a child, known by a different name, she looked into the night sky and saw something looking back at her.   If that's not an achievement, I don't know what is.
A strange, swirling cyan-blue. In the STORM, her eyes become laced with black lines.
Sidecut. Dark red. Kind of wavy.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Peach-white. In the STORM, her skin mottles with navy patches, which thrum with strange light. It pulses on through her veins.