Pilgrimage to the Stonesoul Tree Building / Landmark in Eldrasil | World Anvil
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Pilgrimage to the Stonesoul Tree

All Dwarves, be them Hrothgar, Ramoth, or some other mountain-rite, must make a pilgrimage to the Stonesoul tree, the progenitor of their race three times. The first when they become an adult dwarf, the second when they get married, and the third when they begin to turn to stone and die. Around the Stonesoul tree, on the surface and in the vast systems of caverns and catacombs below, are the now-stone bodies of every Dwarf that has made the final pilgrimage to the Stonesoul tree. Some dwarves, particularly the Ramothians, belive the soul then goes into the tree, and is sent out the branches to be reborn into another dwarf. Others, typically the Hrothgarians, influenced in part by the religious customs of humans, believe that the soul leaves the body and enters the Stonesoul tree to transport itself to the Celestial Path, and that taking the trek in life is a courtesy to your self in death. Still others, particularly those in more rural mountains, believe the Dwarven afterlife exists inside the Stonesoul tree itself, and so the trek is easier if you are closer to it.


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