Luthien's Comet and Beren's Meteor Tradition / Ritual in Eldrasil | World Anvil
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Luthien's Comet and Beren's Meteor

During the Chaos Dawn, many f the worlds population was destroyed. many mortals ran and hid for seven years, some finding families, some making them, many not at all. Very few mortals actually were able to make a difference during the war. two of these mortals were the lover's Beren and Luthien. Beren was a man, a 16th level human fighter, who helped Helm in his battle against Behir, and Luthien was a woman, a 17th level high elf wizard, who also helped Helm seal away Behir. They unfortunatley both died in the battle, but they were able to give Helm the upperhand. For their help, and for their love for each other, Helm immortalized them in the stars as a comet and meteor that streaks around the world every 23 hours. Then, once a year, Beren and Luthien are joined by all the souls they saved for three days, and at the end of the three days, they circle each other, return to humanoid forms, and kiss for the last rotation. it is customary for people to kiss as Beren and Luthien pass overhead. Because this happens every year, it is also how the calendar year was decided, every 365 days.


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