"The tragedy of Tya, Ava, Dena, Leona, and Babel" or "The Weeping Mother" Myth in Eldrasil | World Anvil
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"The tragedy of Tya, Ava, Dena, Leona, and Babel" or "The Weeping Mother"

As found in the Arcadian Library

  Long ago, in a time lost to memory, there lived a happy family. There was Tya and Babel, wife and husband, mother and father, and there three daughters: Ava, Dena, and Leona. They lived happily in their little house in their little town, and respected the gods greatly. Babel wasa. wizard of great respect, and had many magical accomplishments. Then one day Babel decided he was better than the gods, and proclaimed himself as equal to them, and tha gods were simply magicians who could live long, and he could become one of them. Tya begged him no to say these things, but he would not listen, and proclaimed these to everyone who would listen. His daughters even believed him. Tya however disagreed and again begged him not to say those things., When the gods heard what Babel was saying, they grew very angry. They destroyed Babel, and all who had listened to him, and seperated his three daughters as well, as they were very close to each other, but they spared Tya, as she had respected them. When Tya saw what had been done, she wept greatly, so greatly it is said a new ocean was formed from her tears. She did not weep for Babel, but she wept for her daughters. When the gods saw her tears, their hearts grew soft, and they allowed Tya to see her daughters one at a time, every six months. It is said that this is why the city of Tyr floats over the ocean between the three continents, as she is visiting her children, and the waterfall that never runs out from Tyr is the tears of Tya still falling.


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