Whisperwood Village Geographic Location in Eldoria | World Anvil
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Whisperwood Village

In the heart of a thick forest lies Whisperwood Village, a tiny settlement surrounded by nature's embrace. The village, scarcely larger than a hamlet, boasts wooden cabins with thatched roofs and a protective timber wall, giving it a rustic charm.   At its center, a circle houses essential shops like the Broken Buck tavern, Bolin’s Shield, Metro's Sword, Derg Tol the bowyer, and The Cosmic Bubble potions shop. The village is under the pragmatic rule of Councilor Alaria Tula, a proud champion of the people.   Whisperwood is a melting pot of elves, humans, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes, relying on animal husbandry and trade. However, a shadow looms over the village. Angry zephyrs, tormented by the shattering of the crown by the evil sorcerer Droko Fallstar, besiege the village on random nights. Families are disappearing, and fear spreads like wildfire.   The once-thriving community is slowly becoming a ghost town as families desert their homes, seeking safety from the mysterious and vengeful zephyrs. The village is at a crossroads, teetering on the brink of abandonment, desperate for a solution to the haunting mystery that threatens its very survival.
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