Alaria Tula Character in Eldoria | World Anvil
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Alaria Tula

Appearance: Alaria possesses a commanding presence with round, dark blue eyes that keenly observe her surroundings. Her curly brown hair, usually loose at her shoulders, frames a face marked by both intellect and determination. She carries herself with a grace befitting her diplomatic role, always adorned in simple but elegant clothes as befitting her status.   Background: Born into a family of diplomats who served the king, Alaria Tula inherited a legacy of diplomacy and loyalty to the realm. Trained from a young age in the art of negotiation and the intricacies of courtly politics, she quickly rose through the ranks to become the king's closest advisor.   Motivation: Alaria's life took a tragic turn when the king fell victim to the malevolent schemes of the evil sorcerer, Droko Fallstar. With her mentor and sovereign lost, Alaria now dedicates herself to a twofold mission: retrieving the shattered crown, a symbol of the kingdom's unity, and uncovering the true heir to the throne. Her motivation is not only fueled by a sense of duty but also by a personal desire to avenge the fallen king and restore order to the realm.   Skills and Abilities: Alaria is a skilled diplomat and possesses a sharp intellect, allowing her to navigate complex political landscapes with finesse. Her extensive knowledge of courtly etiquette, coupled with her proficiency in negotiation, makes her an invaluable asset in both peaceful and treacherous times. While not a combatant by nature, Alaria has acquired basic self-defense skills, realizing the need for personal protection in a world fraught with danger.   Personality: Alaria exudes a calm and composed demeanor, even in the face of adversity. Her diplomatic training has molded her into a patient and understanding individual, capable of seeing multiple perspectives before reaching a decision. However, beneath this composed exterior lies a fiery determination to rectify the injustices inflicted upon her kingdom.
Lawful Good
Current Status
Attempting to reclaim the Crown of Divinity and reestablish the Monarchy
Current Location
late 30s/early 40s
Dark blue, large and round
medium, curly brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, slight age lines
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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