Loyalists Organization in Eldoria | World Anvil
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Those who are still loyal to the line of King Founder after the fall of the Kingdom and the Shattering of the Crown.

Demography and Population

Eldoria is environmentally dense and has volatile biomes. The deserts are hotter, the mountain peaks colder, and the swamps wetter. Cities and villages are far separated from each other by wilderness. There are few, albeit well constructed, safe passages between the majority of cities and towns. The population varies wildly, though most major cities contain only humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, and half-orcs. Most other races tend to stick together in small communities within a city, or at a nearby village. Orcs, Eldorae, and Drow are seen as lesser races and something to be feared. In King Founders attempt to quash the Cult of Beshaba (generally only worshipped by Eldoreans), he demonized the entire population. Orcs and Drow are seen as too violent and unpredictable, and feared by most people. Though there is a "house nigga" vibe going on with certain clans of Orcs and Drow that have assimilated into Eldorean society.


The Loyalists once controlled most all of Eldoria, save for a small section of the Raine Wilds which has always been under the control of the native Eldorae. The loyalists are now a shattered sect, but have strongholds in Whisperwood Village, Concordia, and Elarma.


The Kings Guard were essentially a police force - each city has only 1 Judicial Minister and atleast 3 enforcers, depending on the size. When the Kingdom fell, most Ministers and Enforcers located in what are now Ministry controlled cities stayed and committed themselves to the new government.


Sylvanian - the most common religion in Eldoria, worship of the Gods Sylvanus, Torm, Tymora, Malar, Shar, and Lathander. People can choose to worship just one God from the Pantheon, or all of them.

Foreign Relations

Eldoria is a relatively secluded continent and kingdom, and has very little foreign relations. It appears the crown and seat of eldoria are of Dwarvish make.


The Kings Guard were essentially a police force - each city has only 1 Judicial Minister and atleast 3 enforcers, depending on the size. When the Kingdom fell, most Ministers and Enforcers located in what are now Ministry controlled cities stayed and committed themselves to the new government.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
Market economy
The loyalists are spread across the Kingdom of Eldoria after the fall of the Kingdom. Notable Loyalist strongholds are Whisperwood Village, Concordia, and Elarma.
100 copper -> 1 silver 100 silver -> 1 gold 100 gold -> 1 platinum   Small coins imprinted with the signs of the 4 elements, and the Crown of Divinity in the center.
Legislative Body
Prior to the fall of the Kingdom, each of the 4 states of Eldoria had 3 representatives who had the Kings ear. Decisions have always been made by the King, the legislative body has no checks or balances against him. The representatives were there simply to represent their people and plead for their needs.
Judicial Body
The king's judgement, with a small hierarchy of Judicial Ministers and Judicial Enforcers.
Executive Body
The Kings Guard were essentially a police force - each city has only 1 Judicial Minister and atleast 3 enforcers, depending on the size. When the Kingdom fell, most Ministers and Enforcers located in what are now Ministry controlled cities stayed and committed themselves to the new government.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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