Wayfarer Cirqueliste in Eldarr | World Anvil

Wayfarer Cirqueliste

While any one capable of teleporting with a penchant for performance can join the wayfarers, the most respected members are the specially- rained Cirquelistes. These agile, typically flamboyant performers, are masters of teleportation magic.  


  Spellcasting: Ability to cast Wayfarer's Step.   Skills: From the following skills, you must have 9 ranks in one, and 2 ranks in any other two – Acrobatics, Climb, Disguise, Jump, Knowledge (geography), Perform (any)   Other: Must take the The Wayfarer's Oath  

Class Features

Class Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Spellcasting
1 +0 +0 +2 +0 Wayfarer's Step, dimension door, traveler -
2 +1 +0 +3 +0 Expanded spells (2nd), sense teleportation, teleport -
3 +1 +1 +3 +1 Extra passengers, splendorous passage +1 spells per day/known
4 +2 +1 +4 +1 Expanded spells (3rd), swift step -
5 +2 +1 +4 +1 Abduct, celeitous strafe +1 spells per day/known
6 +3 +2 +5 +2 Expanded spells (4th), greater teleport -
7 +3 +2 +5 +2 Spellrunner, anchored +1 spells per day/known
8 +4 +2 +6 +2 Exxpanded spells (5th), planar spell, prescient dodge -
9 +4 +3 +6 +3 Teleportation circle +1 spells per day/known
All of the following are class features of the Wayfarer Cirqueliste:   Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Wayfarer Cirqueliste gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.   Spellcasting: Levels of Wayfarer Cirqueliste stack with your arcane caster level for the purposes of caster level and familiar advancement. Additionally, at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level, a Wayfarer Cirqueliste gains additional spells per day and spells known as if he had gained a level in his previous arcane spellcasting class.   Wayfarer’s Step (Sp): A Wayfarer Cirqueliste can use wayfarer’s step a number of times per day equal to his caster level plus three. His effective caster level for this and all other class spell-like abilities is the same as his arcane caster level.   Dimension Door (Sp): A Wayfarer Cirqueliste can use dimension door once per day at 1st level, twice at 4th level, and three times at 7th level. After using this ability, the Wayfarer Cirqueliste’s turn does not end immediately, unlike normal dimension door.   Traveler (Su): A Wayfarer Cirqueliste can ignore effects that would restrict her movement. This acts as the freedom of movement spell, and can be used a number of rounds per day equal to twice the Wayfarer Cirqueliste’s class level. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day (up to the daily limit of rounds).   Expanded Spells (Sp): At 2nd level, a Wayfarer Cirqueliste may select one spell of 2nd level or lower from either the bard or sorcerer/wizard spell list. This spell must be related to travel or movement, such as jump, levitate, or spider climb; The Wayfarer Cirqueliste may expend one of his daily uses of wayfarer’s step to use the chosen spell instead as a spell-like ability. At 4th level, the Wayfarer Cirqueliste gains another spell, which must be of 3rd level or lower. At 6th level he gains a spell of 4th level or lower, and at 8th level he gains a spell of 5th level or lower. Whenever he gains a new expanded spell, the wayfarer can choose to also replace one of his other expanded spells with a new spell.   Sense Teleportation (Su): A 2nd-level Wayfarer Cirqueliste can sense recent teleportation magic. If a wayfarer comes within 60 ft. of a location where teleportation either arrived or departed within the last ten minutes, he is immediately aware of it. By concentrating for one round he can locate the exact location the spell occurred, and by concentrating a second round he becomes aware if the spell was arriving or departing. Finally, by concentrating for a third round he can sense the point of departure or destination of the teleportation spell, getting the vaguest sense of the area, enough for him to teleport there as if he had viewed it once. If the wayfarer does not follow the teleportation within ten minutes, he loses this sense of that area, and treats that area as if he has never seen it (unless, in fact, he has seen it before).   Teleport (Sp): At 2nd level, a Wayfarer Cirqueliste can use teleport once per day, twice at 5th level, and three times at 8th level. Using this ability requires one full minute. At 8th level, the wayfarer can teleport as a standard action.   Extra Passengers (Ex): At 3rd level, a Wayfarer Cirqueliste can take additional creatures with him whenever he uses dimension door, teleport, or greater teleport. For each use of wayfarer’s step he expends, he can bring along one additional Medium creature.   Splendorous Passage (Ex): At 3rd level, a Wayfarer Cirqueliste adds his Charisma bonus (if any) to Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Jump, Ride, and Swim checks.   Swift Step (Ex): At 4th level, a Wayfarer Cirqueliste can use his wayfarer’s step spell-like ability as a swift action. Only his wayfarer’s step spelllike ability is quickened. Spells he has access through Expanded Spells are not swift.   Abduct (Su): Starting at 5th level, a Wayfarer Cirqueliste’s teleportation spells and spell-like abilities can affect unwilling creatures as if they were willing. Such creatures may make a Will save (DC 10 + spell level + Wayfarer’s Charisma modifier) to avoid being forced to teleport.   Celeritous Strafe (Ex): At 5th level, a Wayfarer Cirqueliste who uses a move action to move can take his standard action for the turn at any point during his movement.   Greater Teleport (Sp): At 6th level, a Wayfarer Cirqueliste can use greater teleport once per day. Using this ability requires one full minute. At 8th level, the wayfarer can greater teleport as a standard action.   Spellrunner (Su): At 7th level, whenever a Wayfarer Cirqueliste casts a spell with an instantaneous duration, he may expend a daily use of wayfarer’s step to teleport to any space within that spell’s area or adjacent to one of its targets, as long as that space is within 800 ft. of the wayfarer and is unoccupied.   Unanchored (Su): At 7th level, a Wayfarer Cirqueliste can attempt to use dimensional travel even when an effect – like dimensional anchor – prohibits such movement. Whenever he casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability with the teleportation descriptor he may make a caster level check against DC 11 + caster level of the prohibiting magic. If he succeeds, his teleportation spell or spell-like ability functions normally. If he fails, the spell or ability is wasted.   Planar Spell (Su): At 8th level, any spell a Wayfarer Cirqueliste casts can affect an incorporeal or ethereal creature just as it would a corporeal creature, at the wayfarer’s choice.   Prescient Dodge (Ex): At 8th level, once per day a Wayfarer Cirqueliste can take a move action as an immediate action. If he does this in reponse to an attack and moves to a space the attacker cannot target, the attack misses him. If he moves but is still within reach or range, the attacker automatically readjusts his aim, and the attack is resolved normally. Using this ability must be declared after an attack is announced but before the attack roll is made.   Teleportation Circle (Sp): At 9th level, a Wayfarer Cirqueliste can use teleportation circle once per day. Using this ability requires ten minutes.


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