Pantheons of Eldarr Organization in Eldarr | World Anvil

Pantheons of Eldarr

In the beginning, there was only the AllFather in the void. The High Lord wished to admire his own aspect, so Light and the Angels of Heaven were created by his will. The AllFather was pleased with his creation, as the Angels were fair to look upon in aspect and action. The AllFather also wished to have Substance for the Angels to kneel upon to worship Him. Therefore, the Mother was created. However, with Substance came dimensions, and balance was suddenly created as well, as Substance and Light create Shadow and Darkness. Therefore, opposite the Light came Darkness, and the Hells were created in the shadow of His aspect. When the AllFather saw what had occurred, He wept in the deepest grief, for His pride had created the Hells. From the tears of the AllFather that fell into the Hells the Demon Lords sprung, thereby creating the opposite aspect of the Angels of Heaven.     The Mother, the aspect of Balance, was witness to the AllFather's continued grief and the Demons glee at being formed in the AllFather's pride. Feeling that balance was needed, The Mother created Magic from the steam of the AllFather's tears evaporating in the fires of Hell. As Magic infused with the substance of the Mother, Life was created. In seeing Life, the AllFather ceased weeping in wonder of what the Mother had created, and the Demons turned their attention to the beings formed by the attention of the mother, for all aspects of the AllFather, the Angels, the Demons, and The Mother were combined to various degrees within them. The beings of the Mother felt to varying degrees the attention of the aspects looking upon them, and felt drawn, in their worship and actions in equally varying degrees, to each aspect of good, neutral and evil.   Seeing the wonder that was Life, the Demons and Angels fell upon one another in an unending battle for control. Sages all agree that this battle continues to this day, the Angels seeking to destroy the blight that they feel they caused through the AllFather’s grief and the Demon Lords ultimate envy of the love the AllFather has for his Angels.   The Gods of Eldarr represent the three facets of alignment: good, neutral and evil. The AllFather, also known as the High Lord, and his Angels of Heaven champion all that is good. The Mother, worshiped by the Druids of Eldarr, represents the balance of nature and neutrality. The evil Demon and Devil Lords, in their eternal struggles in the Abyss and Hell, use the souls of the living as their currency and strive to burn the world of Eldarr in brimstone and hellfire. Organized religions follow each of the factions, although each faction is remarkably different in its style of worship, visibility, and societal influences.
Religious, Pantheon


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