Mu’aqq Character in Eldarr | World Anvil


Mu'aqq is an Angel of The AllFather that is worshipped primarily by the assassins of The Arditi. Mu'aqq is a powerful spiritual being that is believed to watch over and protect assassins as they carry out their missions. This Angel is revered by The Arditi as a symbol of divine guidance and protection, offering comfort and strength to them as they face danger and uncertainty.   In appearance, the Angel of assassins is depicted as a majestic and imposing figure, with wings that are both protective and deadly. He often carries a sword or other weapon, symbolizing the assassin's own tools of the trade. However, the weapon may also represent his ability to strike down any who would threaten the assassin or interfere with their mission.   The guardian Angel of assassins also possesses supernatural abilities, such as the power to move quickly and silently, to blend into the shadows, or to sense danger before it arrives. He is also able to heal wounds or offer protection from harm, as well as provide guidance and insight into the assassin's missions and goals.   Despite his fearsome reputation, the guardian Angel of assassins is ultimately a benevolent and protective figure, offering guidance and support to those who have dedicated themselves to the pursuit of justice and righteousness. He serves as a reminder to assassins that their work is not done in isolation, but with the support and guidance of powerful spiritual forces that watch over them and guide their actions.

Divine Domains

Assassination, justice
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization


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