Silva's dream 16 Ninui 878 O.V. in Eldaran | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Silva's dream 16 Ninui 878 O.V.

As you lay your head to rest, close your eyes and sleep finds you. The rest full darkness of slumber is softly lifted as in your vision a soft light grows. The small spark grows to the shape of a kite shield, your shield shining with a bright and warm radiance. The large eye emblazoned upon it becomes brighter and brighter to where you almost are forced to avert your gaze, from it a winding path stretches out to before you. Riding on Maple along this road you pass through grasslands, hills cross rivers while in the distance a green mass grows, a deep and wild jungle. You enter following in the road ever further, trough the thick undergrowth until you find yourself between ruins of an architecture strange to you. There among the structures, you see sitting on a stone table is the little girl whom you rescued from between the hoard of diseased. As she looks at you with pleading eyes, "Why, why me?", you hear her say without here talking. Then you raise your shielded arm and again that same bright radiance emits from your shield. And with a sigh of relief, the little girl lays back on the table. A cloud of dark smoke rising from here and seems to dissipate in the light cast by your shield.


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