Kumahada Suzume Character in Eldaran | World Anvil
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Kumahada Suzume

Kumahada Suzume (a.k.a. Kuma)

A wandering hunter on the unknown path of the Ivory Blossom.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Monastery: The Monastery of the Ivory Blossom stands solitary and serene in the verdant Plains of Amaranth, stretching endlessly into unknown horizons. On clear days, one can barely make out the Crescent Ridge, the snowcapped mountains isolating this quiet place from the rest of the world. Hidden amongst infinite blades of grass and small patches of evergreen trees, less than a day's travel from the monastery, lies a large freshwater reservoir known as Heaven's Gate, its surroundings brimming with faunal activity, its surface covered in silvery petals.   Monastic Icon: In the courtyard of this monastery stands its namesake, the pure white cherry blossom tree known as the Ivory Blossom. Its alabaster petals travel along gentle winds across the surrounding verdant plains to the far reaches of the world, letting the winds guide them on their path. The Monastery of the Ivory Blossom is one of nomads, allowing its followers to find their own way in the world. As the flowers of the Ivory Blossom grow back over time, so do the monastery's scattered attendants return with sated hearts and lives fulfilled.   Master: Far from the southern, outer edges of the Crescent Ridge, a martial master by the name of Suzume made her home in a humble cottage in the surrounding woods. Having contracted the curse of lycanthropy on her travels, she feared her return to the monastery, and chose to reside near its border, as a guardian to her childhood realm, and a guide to lost souls. The first to stumble upon her abode was a man she knew a lifetime ago as a boy named Kuren, and as fate would have it, he postponed his return indefinitely as well.   Kumahada was the proof of their love, and he was trained by the both of them in martial arts and hunting. Although his training was not done at the monastery, he followed the tradition of letting the winds guide his way. His father, surviving his mother by little short of a decade, provided him with a symbol of good luck as he left, the Mask of the New Moon. Kumahada took on his mother’s name as a surname to honor her memory.

Hunter, wanderer, and hand-to-hand combatant, taking it upon himself to bring a lost child back home.

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Lawful Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft 5
127 lbs


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