Jackhanda wood Material in Eldaran | World Anvil
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Jackhanda wood

This deep purple colored wood is very rare and expensive, it is a very hard but pliable wood which makes it an excellent material for shipbuilding. The dwarfs of Clan Dragonstout trade heavily in this wood, as it grows abundantly on the islands of the Morngrum archipelago, aswell as using it in many of their constructions from buildings to ships.


Material Characteristics

A deep purple wood, very strong and heavy.

Geology & Geography

The Jackhanda trees that form this wood grow only on the Morngrum archipelago . Attempts have been made at cultivating the trees elsewhere but no avail.


Law & Regulation

The Clan Dragonstout monopolises the logging of the Jackhanda trees. Any found trying to harvest the trees without the permission of the clan can expect a heavy fine or even incarceration.
The wood is known to give of a soft sweet smell after having been sawed in to timber.
Deep purple


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