The Weaver Character in Elaris | World Anvil

The Weaver


The Weaver is an enigmatic figure, often depicted as a tall, slender being with flowing robes that seem to shift trail off into nowhere. Its face is either obscured by a hood or veil, or it has no face at all, instead being a blank white slate. Its many hands are adorned with intricate rings and bracelets that seem to be made from woven threads of metal. These nearly uncountable hands float around the being, detached from its body and flying in all directions, constantly at work.


The Weaver is a patient and meticulous being, always focused on its work and the intricate patterns it creates. It is often aloof and detached, more interested in the grand design of reality than the individual lives that make it up. It is seemingly without compassion or hatred, simply existing and continuing the creation of the reality that it has busied itself with.



The Weaver's most notable ability is its power to shape reality through the threads of its tapestry. It can manipulate the fabric of reality itself, weaving new patterns and altering existing ones to suit its needs. It is also able to see the threads of fate that connect all living beings, but it very rarely if ever interacts with these, simply leaving the threads to tie the individuals to the tapestry of Elaris. The only time these are touched by the Weaver is when a true prayer is said to it through the form of a power word kill spell and it accepts the prayer—typically only being done when the individual targeted is already close to death.


The Weaver rarely engages in combat, primarily due to it being so incredibly powerful that few could challenge it, and prefers to use its powers to shape reality rather than to directly confront its foes. However, if forced into a fight, it is a formidable opponent, able to manipulate the very fabric of reality to its advantage. It can weave new threads, causing reality to shift and shape around those that seek to harm it, causing them to be potentially lost forever, having been woven out of the tapestry itself.


The Weaver's Loom

The Weaver's most prized possession is its loom, a massive and ancient device that stands at the center of its realm. The loom is made of a white material that seems at time to be ivory, but occasionally changes to white wood, stone, bone, or other materials. It is said to be the focal point of much of the Weaver's power, and it is said to be the source of all wish spells and words of power, the spells themselves being seen as the only true way to pray to The Weaver, requesting it to change the tapestry of Elaris.

The Weaver's Needle

The Weaver possesses a single enchanted needle, which it uses to weave the fabric of reality. This needle is made of a material that shines like the morning sun, and cannot be identified. Using this needle, the Weaver pinpoints miniscule portions of the tapestry to interact with it on a more individual level.

The Tapestry of Elaris

The grand work of The Weaver, the Tapestry of Elaris is that which contains reality itself. This tapestry stretches out into infinity, never disappearing from view regardless of how far one were to go. This creation is life itself, and should it be destroyed, reality itself would cease to exist.


The Weaver's realm lies beyond the planes of existence, beyond even The Outer Dark, where almost no creature has ever stepped. It is a place of infinite possibilities, where the Tapestry of Elaris is constantly being woven and rewoven. It is a place of great beauty and complexity, filled with intricate patterns and shifting landscapes, and yet a place of horror and wretchedness, embodying all planes of existence. The realm is said to be located at the heart of the world and planes, and it is accessible only to those who have the Weaver's permission—whether or not the visitor requested to enter or not.


Enemies and Allies

The Weaver has few enemies, as its power is so great that few dare seek to challenge it at all. However, there are some beings who seek to disrupt the patterns of reality that the Weaver has created, and those beings are considered enemies of the Weaver. In the same vein, the Weaver has few allies, as they prefer to work alone, but does seek aid occasionally from The Sunderer and The Smith, with whom reality was originally made.


The Weaver has few if any true worshipers, and few even know it exists. However, there are some who seek to learn from the Weaver's example, and these individuals are considered to be among the most skilled weavers and craftsmen in the world. While these individuals rarely even know of the Weaver's existence, their nature and urge to seek perfection in their work is worship to it regardless.


The Weaver's symbol is a loom, representing its power to shape reality through the threads of its tapestry. It is often depicted as a simple loom with a single thread running through it, symbolizing the interconnectedness of all things.


The Weaver's history is shrouded in mystery, as it is said to have existed since the beginning of time itself. It is often depicted as a timeless and eternal being, always present and always working to shape the fabric of reality.
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Table of Contents

Divine Symbols and Sigils
A loom

Divine Classification

All Alignments and No Alignment at the same time

Current Location
The Weaver never leaves its own realm

Honorary & Occupational Titles
None; this being is only ever referred to by name



Skin Tone/Pigmentation




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