Oath of the Exorcist Profession in Elaris | World Anvil

Oath of the Exorcist

Since the dawn of time, the world has been plagued by the scourge that is undeath. As ancient as this threat itself, exists a brotherhood of Paladins, known as Exorcists, whose divine purpose is to protect the living from the dead. These warriors taint their souls with the foul magic of undeath, giving up any chance of a normal life, to better defend the living world.

Deities Granting this Oath

Tenets of the Exorcist

1st-Level Paladin (Oath of the Exorcist) Feature

Though their specific oath and cause may vary, all paladins who swear an Oath of the Exorcist uphold the tenets below:
Defend the Living.Life is a precious gift. All life, especially the innocent, must be protected at all costs.
Destroy Undeath.Undead are a cruel mockery of life and must be hunted down and destroyed.
Keep Focus on your Mission.Bear no titles or honors, inherit no lands, and have no family or children. Do not taint the land with that which taints you.

Devotion Spells

1st-Level Paladin (Oath of the Exorcist) Feature

You learn certain spells at the Paladin levels listed in the table below. These spells are always prepared and don't count against the number of spells you can have prepared.
Paladin LevelSpells
1stprotection from evil, sanctuary
5thinvisibility, see invisibility
9thmagic circle, spirit guardians
13thbanishment, greater invisibility
17thdispel evil, holy weapon


2nd-Level Paladin (Oath of the Exorcist) Feature

The divine power flowing through you courses through your weapons, enabling you to more readily strike at the most difficult to damage of undead. All weapons you wield are considered to be ghosttouch weapons put the purpose of hitting and damaging incorporeal undead.

Channel Divinity: Sinister Insights

3rd-Level Paladin (Oath of the Exorcist) Feature

As an action, you can grasp your holy symbol to enhance your fortitude. For 1 hour, you have advantage on all ability checks and saving throws related to undead or necromancy magic.

Channel Divinity: Warrior of the Dawn

3rd-Level Paladin (Oath of the Exorcist) Feature

As a bonus action, you can grasp your holy symbol, choosing a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see. For 1 minute, each time you deal damage to the target, you deal an additional 1d4 positive energy damage. If the target is an undead, this damage increases to 1d6.

Deathrending Aura

7th-Level Paladin (Oath of the Exorcist) Feature

Your holy light scours the souls of your foes. Whenever you deal positive energy damage to a creature within your Aura of Protection, it cannot regain hit points or become Incorporeal until the beginning of your next turn.

Spectral Form

15th-Level Paladin (Oath of the Exorcist) Feature

As a bonus action, you can take on a Spectral Form that turns you Incorporeal until the end of your turn.   Once you use this feature you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. When you have no uses of this feature remaining, you can expend a spell slot of 2nd-level or higher to use Spectral Form again.   At 18th level, you can use this feature as a bonus action on each of your turns without expending a resource.

Sacrificial Offering

20th-Level Paladin (Oath of the Exorcist) Feature

You can sacrifice your vitality to resist the grasp of death. When you fall to 0 hit points but are not killed outright, you can spend one of your Hit Dice to drop to 1 hit point instead. You can use this feature even if you would otherwise have your maximum hit points reduced to 0 by the effects of an undead creature.
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