Maeatria Character in Elaris | World Anvil

Maeatria (MAY-ah-TREE-uh)

Maeatria is the Elarian intermediate deity of peace, healing, and life. The Gentle Mother is the patron of the suffering, pained, and weak, and The Healing Hand encourages them and others to head out into the world to aid and heal others. Maeatria encourages all to heal the wounds of others, cutting away pain, suffering, and disease.  


Maeatria is the incarnation of compassion, and the eternal foe of suffering. She is a generous, good-spirited, and even-tempered deity, with a kind and gentle nature. She seeks to offer aid and relief to those in pain, who are suffering, or otherwise in need of aid. She encourages them to see past the pain, and her very words comfort and heal them as she speaks. She encourages her faithful to halt and relieve the suffering of others, whether through destroying the pain outright or taking the pain upon themselves until they are able to destroy it properly if they must.   Maeatria is exceptionally slow to anger, but when she does, she is fearsome in her wrath. She is greatly angered by extremely cruelty and atrocities, and at those who inflicted such suffering. However, she still looked upon them with grace and forgiveness, offering them a way out of their own pain if only they seek to remove the pain they have wrought upon others. Those that deny her offer cause her to burn with a righteous fury, and she sets aside her doctrines of endurance and non-violence, unleashing her full force to put an end to cruelty. Although her graceful form would make others think her weak, she burns all targets of her rage with utmost efficiency.   Maeatria holds no forgiveness for those that have denied her goodwill unless they find it within themselves to come to her unprompted and seek her forgiveness themselves. Outside of these rare cases, Maeatria is though to be able to forgive any and all, no matter how much they have wronged her. Though she understands the atrocious acts that wicked created perform, she remains forever hopeful that evil beings will one day be turned to good, or destroyed, and so she stays firm in her goals.   She has a good, if somewhat rustic, sense of humor and loves to hear funny stories. She has a very motherly attitude to her when dealing with others, especially children.  


When manifested as an avatar, Maeatria can cast a wide variety of magic spells, and is strongest with healing magic and beneficial necromancy. Only rarely does she cast a spell that causes pain to others, unless she does so in anger and retribution for the cruel and sadistic deeds performed by an unrepentent target, or to protect another from harm.   She fights with only a staff, using her grace to avoid blows rather than ever trying to block them. Her avatar is infused with her healing magic and is thus exceptionally difficult to destroy, any accumulated wounds almost instantly being healed away. As with her spells, Maeatria only attacks in retribution or protection, or to deflect missiles or destroy items. She uses nonlethal methods to disable any foe she faces that has no proven themselves unrepentent, but will crush those who feel no remorse for the pain they have caused.   ALternatively, she can possess any good or innocent creature that is being tortured or otherwise being inflicted with immense amounts of pain. This creature glows with a soft white-gold light, all pain the creature was feeling is relieved, and any wounds the creature had sustained are imediately regenerated. Any implement of torture used on the creature is immediately destroyed, releasing the sufferer, alert and healthy. Should the creature be struck with a weapon of moderate or weaker magic (+2 or less), it is likewise immediately destroyed. In the case of extreme torture or associated murder, Maeatria grants the possessed being the ability to cast destructive spells for a short time in retribution.   When not appearing via her avatar or through possession, Maeatria manifests as an unseen presence that grants a calm and warm feeling to all those around her. Should the area she manifests in be dark, it will instead begin to glow with a soft golden-white light, enough to allow comfortable sight without straining one's eyes but not enough to cause pain to those sensitive to light. In this form, she can speak, move objects around similarly to telekinesis, and cast spells.   To show her favor to an individual or group, Maeatria can create marigolds and golden roses, send golden doves or fiend mice, or cause the individuals to feel instantly calmed and at peace. A minor manifestation to show favor was in the colors of white and blue.   Finally, Maeatria can sense any kind of suffering the moment it takes place, anywhere through Elaris. She can instantly create any magical item that can heal or reduce suffering, or was good in nature.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Maeatria's holy symbol is an intricate circular disk bearing vines forming a heart and overlaid with two clasped hands.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Maeatria seeks to rid the world of undue pain and suffering, wishing for all to live in perfect health regardless of what they have done. She sees pain as a disease in an of itself, spreading across the world at speeds uncomparable to any other, and wishes to put a stop to it. As such, her followers heal at whatever cost can be afforded by those in need, caring little for the gain that is earned from it, and using anything that is earned to further their goals. They are especially included in kingdoms as they work toward advancing the arts of divine healing and medical technology.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In avatar form, Maeatria appears as a tall woman with a slender and strong build and wearing fine silks, with a plain but kind and comforting face, long black hair, and calming blue eyes like the undisturbed sea. Her body lacks any and all signs of illness, pain, or harm. She moves with a grace unknowable by those around her.
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Table of Contents

Divine Domains
Charity, Good, Healing, Hope, Humility, Suffering, Temperance
Specialist Priests
Specialist Priest(Maeatria) 

Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity
Neutral Good
Calm Blue
Long, healthy, raven-black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair with a slight tan
120 lb.
Known Languages