Calithrion Character in Elaris | World Anvil

Calithrion (Cal-ith-ree-ohn)

Calithrion is a capricious and enigmatic deity who embodies the untamed spirit of banditry, piracy, and daring adventure, ruling over the chaos of the high seas and the freedom of the skies between floating islands. Her worship is favored by those who live life on the edge of the law, embracing the thrill of the forbidden.
  In the pantheon of the Cetandari, Calithrion stands as a deity of complex and ever-changing moods. She is often depicted as a charismatic and elusive pirate captain, her eyes gleaming with mischief and her smile revealing a hint of danger. With a cutlass in one hand and a flintlock pistol in the other, she commands the loyalty and devotion of her followers.
  Calithrion’s domain is the vast expanse of the open sea, and her influence extends to the skies above the world’s floating islands. She is believed to whisper secrets to the winds, guiding pirates and sky pirates alike to hidden treasures and unsuspecting prey. Her erratic nature is reflected in the ever-shifting weather patterns of the sea and the sudden, unpredictable storms that both aid and hinder her followers.
  The Pirate Queen is fickle, favoring those who display audacity, cunning, and a willingness to seize whatever fortune comes their way. Her temples are hidden in remote coastal coves, perched on lofty islands, or nestled in the heart of lawless cities. Here, her followers gather to offer their ill-gotten gains, sing shanties in her honor, and seek her blessings for their next daring escapade.
  As The Pirate Queen reigns over both the sea and the skies, her faithful believe that the winds themselves carry her laughter and her wrath, guiding those who dare to follow her path to riches, infamy, or perhaps both.


In the name of Calithrion, The Pirate Queen, embrace the thrill of life on the edge, for in daring exploits lies the essence of true existence. Vigilance is your compass; remain ever watchful and prepared for the unforeseen. Sharpen your skills relentlessly, for complacency is your greatest enemy. Cast aside anger and resentment, for they cloud your judgment and poison camaraderie. Seek out allies from all corners of the world, for unconventional bonds forge the strongest crews. Among your own, steal not, for unity is paramount, but from those who stand opposed, seize fortune’s favor, and let the spoils shape the tides of your destiny.


Calithrion’s avatar, when she chooses to manifest in the mortal realm, is a mesmerizing and beguiling figure. She embodies the spirit of adventure, daring, and unbridled freedom. Her eyes are the color of turbulent ocean waters during a storm, a mesmerizing shade of deep cerulean. They sparkle with an inner mischief and hold the promise of hidden treasures.
  Long, flowing locks of ink-black hair cascade down her back like the night sky, occasionally caught by the sea breeze. Strands of pearls and sparkling gemstones are woven into her hair, shimmering like stars in the night. Calithrion’s lips bear a perpetual smile as if she knows a thousand secrets and is always on the verge of revealing one. Her smile hints at both mischief and seduction. She adorns herself in the attire of a pirate captain, wearing a finely tailored, dark crimson coat with gold-trimmed cuffs. A leather bodice cinches her waist, and she sports a bandolier laden with flintlock pistols. A cutlass, with a hilt encrusted in precious gems, hangs from her belt. A sheer, seafoam-green veil flows behind her as she moves, evoking the frothy waves of the sea. It seems to ripple and dance, enhancing her ethereal appearance.
  When Calithrion’s avatar is present, the air around her takes on a salty tang, and a gentle sea breeze often stirs, tousling her hair and clothes. Her very presence carries the scent of saltwater and adventure. Her charisma is undeniable, drawing all who gaze upon her into the whirlpool of her charisma. Whether inspiring loyalty, inciting mischief, or sparking the spirit of adventure, her aura is intoxicating.


The clerics and followers of Calithrion tend to use magic that channels the power of illusion and deception. Their work is for the purpose of enhancing their subterfuge skills, outwitting their foes, and spreading the legend of Calithrion’s audacity. Clerics of Calithrion are called Corsairs, though they may go by a different name depending on their fellowship.
  The fellowships of Calithrion include the following:
  The Mirage Corsairs: The Mirage Corsairs believe that the key to Calithrion’s favor lies in the mastery of illusion and misdirection. They specialize in crafting intricate illusions, both to deceive their enemies and to create awe-inspiring spectacles that elevate the legend of The Pirate Queen. Rituals among the Mirage Corsairs involve elaborate light shows, smoke and mirror performances, and storytelling through illusion. They believe that Calithrion values cunning over all else, and their goal is to become masters of trickery and illusion to honor her.
  The Storm Corsairs: The Storm Corsairs are steadfast believers in Calithrion’s control over the weather and the seas. They practice elemental magic, focusing on weather manipulation and storm-calling. They view themselves as the true instruments of Calithrion’s divine will, seeking to harness the power of the elements to aid their piratical endeavors. Rituals among the Storm Corsairs involve incantations to summon storms or calm the seas, and they often venture into the heart of tempests to commune with their goddess. They believe that Calithrion values those who can command the very forces of nature in her name.
  The Shadow Corsairs: The Shadow Corsairs are a secretive and disciplined fellowship that specializes in stealth and espionage. They believe that Calithrion’s favor is won through silence and precision. They train rigorously in the arts of infiltration, sabotage, and silent assassinations. Rituals among the Shadow Corsairs involve silent meditation, night raids, and the sharing of whispered secrets among the faithful. They consider themselves the guardians of Calithrion’s darker aspects, believing that she values those who can navigate the treacherous waters of espionage and subterfuge in her name.

Divine Domains

D&D 3.5

Chaos, Trickery, War, Water, Weather

D&D 4e

Freedom, Trickery

D&D 5e

Luck, Tempest, Trickery, War


Pirate Queen's Cutlass: The Pirate Queen's Cutlass is a legendary weapon of both historical significance and divine power, wielded by Calithrion herself during her mortal life and now entrusted to her avatar. This exquisite cutlass possesses an aura of enchantment and is adorned with intricate details that reflect its owner's fierce and charismatic nature.   The blade of the cutlass is exceptionally sharp, forged from a rare and mysterious sky-metal that shimmers with an iridescent sheen, resembling the colors of the sea and the sky at sunset. Its edge seems to catch the light in a mesmerizing dance, making it appear as though it is alive with the spirit of the seas.   The hilt of the cutlass is encrusted with precious gemstones that gleam like stars in the night sky, and the guard is shaped like stylized ocean waves frozen in motion. The grip is wrapped in fine leather, offering both comfort and a secure hold during combat.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Symbol

A stylized cutlass overlaid with a flintlock pistol on a background of the sky over the sea.


The Golden Tide

This day is celebrated on the anniversary of Calithrion's ascension to true godhood, ascending from being a demigod.
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Game Statistics

Titles: The Pirate Queen, Rogue Queen, Mistress of Plunder, Windwhisperer
Adjectives: Calithrites
Pantheon: Cetandari
Gender: Female
Apotheosis: Month 4 Day 26, 206
Power Level: Lesser Deity
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Symbol: A stylized cutlass overlaid with a flintlock pistol on a background of the sky over the sea.
Home Plane/Dominion: 
Served By: 
Granted Powers: 
Spheres (2e): 
    Major: Elemental (Air), Elemental (Water), Weather, Travelers
    Minor: Combat, Divination, Protection
Allowed Weapons (2e): Any One-Handed, Firearms
Allowed Armor (2e): Any (Preferred Light Armor)
Domains (3e): Chaos, Trickery, War, Water, Weather
Domains (4e): Freedom, Trickery
Domains (5e): Luck, Tempest, Trickery, War
Mantles (3e): Chaos, Conflict, Deception
Channel Divinity (4e): Plunderer’s Gambit
Channel Divinity (5e): Plunderer’s Gambit
Worshipers: Pirates, Sky Pirates, Bandits, Outlaws, Explorers, Treasure Hunters, Thieves, Bards
Worshiper Alignments: Any Chaotic, Neutral
Favored Weapon: Cutlass
Holy Days: The Golden Tide (Month 4 Day 26)
Avatar (2e): Fighter 15, Ranger 10, Mage 10, Thief 20
Avatar (3e): Fighter 15, Rogue 10, Dread Pirate 10, Dervish 10, Fatemaker 10, Thief-Acrobat 10
Avatar (4e): Skirmisher 30
Favored Animals: Seagulls, Eagles, Sharks, Octopi, Sky Whales
Favored Colors: Crimson, Sapphire Blue, Black, Silver, Gold
Miscellaneous Manifestations: Calm seas, mysterious fog, treasure washing up on shore, Lights guiding sailors through watery or airborne problems, the cry of an eagle, sudden storms at sea or in the sky, cursed treasure, ghostly warnings or ships, the winds dying in your sails
Notes: Unlike most deities, clerics who are specialist priests of Calithrion can multiclass as thieves.

Signature Spells

  • Calithrion's Curse
  • Calm Waters
  • Pirate's Parley
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Chaotic Neutral
Currently Boarded Vehicle
The color of turbulent ocean waters during a storm, a mesmerizing shade of deep cerulean
Long, flowing locks of ink-black hair cascade down her back like the night sky, occasionally caught by the sea breeze.
Founded Settlements


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