Lament for Kzenldim in Ekaia | World Anvil
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Lament for Kzenldim

When gods there were that walked the earth
The dwarves beneath them would explore
With mighty blows they rained with mirth
Upon the stone that cradled ore
And gleaming gems, a mighty store
Of wealth and secrets in the caves
The weight of earth itself they bore
But there the Storm was digging graves
First lines of the Lament for Kzenldim
The Lament for Kzenldim is an ancient song detailing the fall of Clan Kzenldim at the hands of Shej, goddess of chaos. It tells the tale from beginning to end, detailing the goddess's numerous manipulations and the weaknesses of the characters in question which made them susceptible to those manipulations. It serves as a cautionary tale, but more than that; it is deeply personal to all dwarves, who consider it a recounting of not only the inherent weakness of the race but the very reason that their influence is not wider spread across the material plane.
Date written
EC 200-500

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