Kellis Settlement in Ekaia | World Anvil
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Kellis is a small city in the Jeltiri region of Tsuzatch, sitting between the Rimstall Mountains and Siltgreaves Forest. It is known for its impressive dwarven aqueducts, running partially into the mountains. It is governed by Lord Darius Quinford and Lady Eva Quinford.


53% human, 46% dwarf, 1% halfling, >1% other


Kellis originated as a dwarven city called Vinzeldeem in the EC 4200s. Its population was almost destroyed during the Great Shadow, and some decades after its end, a large tribe of humans joined the remaining dwarves in the ruins and helped them to rebuild. These efforts were spearheaded by the tribe's leader, a man named Kell, and some years after he died, the city was renamed Kellis in his honor.
Large town

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