Half-orc Species in Ekaia | World Anvil
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Half-orcs are humanoids, offspring of an orc and a non-orc, most commonly a human. They are known to be physically intimidating, usually with small tusks, greenish skin, and a propensity for violence.   As the gods worshiped by orcs demand that they multiply at every chance, many half-orcs are born to orc clans, and most of them remain there, learning the clan's violent, survivalist ways. Some may end up elsewhere if they are outcast or otherwise removed from the clan as children, or, in very rare cases, choose to leave as adults.   Half-orcs often inherit the physical strength and endurance of orcs and at least a semblance of the advantageous characteristics of their non-orc parents. Notably, they also inherit the Mark of Gruumsh, an ancient call from the orcs' chief deity towards bloodlust and rage. Some half-orcs may even hear the voice of Gruumsh in their dreams, as many orc shamans do, but most experience the Mark as a deep-set compulsion which can be overcome with focus, though this type of self-control is entirely absent from orcish society.   Half-orcs do not have their own culture, simply adapting to the environment where they grew up. Most half-orcs who find their way to a home among non-orcs struggle to find acceptance or mesh well with the community.
72 years
Average Height

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