Drachenzahn Item in Ekaia | World Anvil
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Drachenzahn is a magic longsword owned by Sir Wivvyrholdalphiax Adrex, known for its fine craftsmanship and acidic quality. He first received it as a greatsword made of dragonsteel as a reward built into a captiopict, a snared painting enchanted by the Jeltiri wizard Xamros. While trapped in this painting, Adrex slew a young black dragon and received the promised reward, which also acted as the key for his escape. Afterwards, he modified the blade into a longsword and used the leftover material to create a dagger of similar powers. He lent this dagger to Pellen Overvale, who had it among his equipment when he was captured and executed by Mavislak the Blood-eyed.
Item type
Weapon, Melee

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