Eladrin Species in Eisengrau | World Anvil


The eladrin are members of the eldar race.   In 301 DR all of the eldars oracles shared the same vision: the eldar races gruesome extinction.   There was great debate as to how best to avoid this outcome, and many eladrin tribes came to differing conclusions.   The eladrin interpreted the prophecy as foretelling not an accident or a disaster; but a sentient force that is actively hunting them. Given this belief, it was only logical to get as far away from other eldar as possible. Thus, they left Emed-Kist (know called San d'Oria) and emigrated to the island of Lantan to the west.   The eladrin arrived in Lantan and began rebuilding their civilization; but they became fearful that their eldar heritage would be recognizable in their architecture. They did not know any other way to build.   The eladrin then looked west to the Bikanel Islands, which was populated by a race of gnomes called Al-Bhed that had the gift of making and manipulating technology. Despite their brilliance at tinkering, the Al Bhed were naive and gullible.   Noticing this, the eladrin devised a plan. They visited the Al Bhed as friendly missionaries and shared the news of their "god"; who rewarded hard work and service to others. This god was invented by the eladrin and was nothing more than a ploy to manipulate the Al Bhed into building their city for them.   The plan was a success, and the Al Bhed became devout worshipers who happily built the eladrin a wondrous new city. After this task was completed, the subservience of the Al Bhed was incorporated as a cornerstone of eladrin society. The Al Bhed were effectively the slaves of the eladrin, and nobody knows just how long this went on.   At some point the Al-Bhed found a new god, whose fire filled their hearts with rage and violence. The Al-Bhed overthrew the eladrin, killing them in scores and driving the survivors out of the city. Those eladrin that yet survive live in the outskirts, hiding and taking shelter where they can.