Silverthorn Species in EIRIOLIS | World Anvil
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Deadly Poison and Lifegiving Antidote

Silverthorn is a small thorny plant, white in colour with red berries and silver thorns. It functions either as a poison or as an antidote to itself. It is found only rarely on lakeshores located high in the mountains. For use as a poison the thorns must be crushed and boiled in oil over the course of a night, at which point, the resultant mixture may be smeared on the end of a weapon. When the weapon pierces its target, the poison will take effect making the victim unconscious and killing the victim within two weeks. There is no cure, except for the antidote outlined below. Not even the most powerful magic can cure this poison or resurrect the victim. The only cure for this poison, is also made from the Silverthorn plant. The berries must be boiled in absolutely pure water, contained in a pure silver vessel, and the resultant mixture stored in a vial of absolutely pure glass until use. The liquid must be placed on the dying victims lips, where within 20 minutes, they will recover from the poisoning.


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