Vhalten-Aneres of the Mourning Sea Species in Eien | World Anvil

Vhalten-Aneres of the Mourning Sea

Air-breathing predators, Vhalten-Aneres, commonly referred to as 'Vhalts' are probably the most intelligent of the inhabitants of Eien's oceans. Although some species are smaller than dolphins, these tend to be shy and are rarely seen by humans or other sentient races. The larger species are better known, and are Eien's equivalent to the Earth's orca—if considerably less friendly. When someone refers to a 'vhalt' they typically mean the largest and most dangerous of the 'vhalten' family of species - the Vhalten-Aneres.

The Vhalten-Aneres travel in large pods, hunting large fish species and the great ocean Drifters, although they have been known to "finish off" boats and ships damaged in storms and will willingly eat any sentient species foolish or unlucky enough to get too close. However, wild vhalts will not typically approach undamaged vessels, preferring to keep their distance. Vhalts can be highly protective of other pod members, however, and will destroy a vessel that approaches their young, elderly or injured pod members.

Basic Information


Vhalten-Aneres are the predators of Eien’s seas, huge and highly intelligent killers. The oldest among them can rival small dragons for size, and most possess a certain sense of playfulness. They have a complex society, and certainly pass on learned behavior in terms of hunting and socialization with their chosen sentient partner species. They are approximately whale-shaped, four-finned, and are capable of breathing out of the water for extended periods of time to beach themselves for laying their eggs. They also have a razor-sharp maw, dark hide ranging from the deepest black to a silvery-blue grey, and slitted, color-changing eyes similar to a gryphon. It has been noted that they have excellent eyesight both underwater and on land.

Vhalts are streamlined creatures with a powerful vertically flattened tail that is used for propulsion. The rear limbs are reduced to solid stabilizers; while the front limbs are adapted as large steering fins. A series of dorsal ridges run along the back, with one elongated to a triangular fin at the midpoint. Female vhalts give birth to live young, usually two at a time, and the whole pod is involved in raising the young. Adult vhalts can reach nose to tail lengths of over 60 feet.

The females tend to be slightly larger than the males, though it is not hugely noticeable, and on average they live longer. More males tend to survive to adulthood than females, but it is unclear if more are born. Academics who study the species theorize the clicks noted in the water around vhalts are similar to the clicks dolphins make to help them 'see' in the water.

Growth Rate & Stages

They have an approximately human lifespan, becoming sexually mature at the age of about fifteen. Females mate with males from another pod after elaborate courting rites, including something somewhat similar to dancing. They are oviparous, and spend much of the late stages of their ten-month pregnancy sunbathing on the shores of the islands rining eastern Sea of Mourning… which is where the ancestors of the modern Aneresti first gained access to them, and even now spend a lot of time bonding with the pod females.


Vhalts live in pods consisting of adult females and their offspring, generally numbering about twelve individuals of varying ages (pod sizes have grown since the Aneresti mariners intervened and semi-domesticated them), with males mating between pods and helping to raise their siblings and relatives. It isn't uncommon to see a lone 'uncle' vhalt babysitting a couple younger podmembers whilst their mothers hunt. The Aneresti report vhalts also seem to sing. They have been observed playing with objects and are certainly affectionate with the trusted Aneresti who work with them. A few interrelated pods are known as a clan, and a group of clans is known as a community.

After birth, the young vhalts will spend some time in the 'creche' of the bay, being fed both by the Aneresti and by their families, and bonding with the clan before becoming large enough to brave the open waters with their pod. The current population growth caused by Aneresti assistance is leading to an enlargement of pod sizes, and a reduction in the size of clutches as they feel somewhat stressed by it.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their massive size should render them incapable of their trademark shock attacks, but the Vhalten-Aneres have an ace up their flippers that makes the impossible frighteningly possible.

The vhalts are a telekinetic species that uses their skill to manuever both in the water and on land. Thankfully, they are not (yet) sentient enough to warrant classification among the other self-aware species of Eien, but they do know how to move like quicksilver in the water. Perhaps, given enough time, they will develop into a global power all on their own.

Geographic Distribution
Discovered by

Warfare & Power

The island nations of the Aneresti use them both to tow their boats and to assist in attacking the naval ships they strike against. A typical tactic is repeated smashing of the hull from the sides and beneath in an attempt to knock the ship over, though a particularly large—or brave—vhalt may occasionally launch themselves onto the top of the ship, hopefully cracking the craft in the middle. Attacks are generally made in conjunction with an Aneresti strike in their swift and vicious vessels, which typically leaves very few survivors, if any.

It is this frightening naval tactic that has kept the Aneresti home islands safe for generations, despite the powerful magic of the ancient Sovathy and the current might of the Laranian fleet. Notably, the Laranian's are developing harpoon technicology to counteract the vhalt tactics, though the quick thinking beasts and their partners have so far remained one step ahead.

Today, the Aneresti negotiate more then they attack, leaving the memory of their ancestor's onslaughts to haunt the Berranese and Laranian traders who seek to deal with them.

Artwork Credits

Adobe Stock - pending actual illustrations by me


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