Zarvoss Emancipate Organization in Eidos | World Anvil
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Zarvoss Emancipate

Zarvoss is the youngest country to emerge after the Rune War (if one is not to count the migratory orcs and hobgoblins of the south) in the scape of a revolt lead against a powerful mage-king who took control of the area for over a hundred years.
Now its people enjoy the most freedom out of everybody else in Eidos due to their government allowing anybody to be elected as a local or regional leader by popular vote.
 The mostly rural communities dotted around the landscape of the Emancipate enjoy a decent ammount of independence while still paying their dues to the central government that keeps the roads and few cities safe and well maintained. That is not to say that the Zarvossti are not patriotic when a threat emmerges, taxes are increased, men are called to arms and the main army is reinforced just like in any other kindgom of the continent.


The leader of Zarvoss is called a king despite him being chosen by the people, not inheriting the crown of the realm by birthright. He arguably has the most power in the realm; being the one to sanction the laws proposed by the council that keeps him in check. He also serves as the main military commander of the army, as well as a diplomat and speaker to and for the people. He is usually elected for life; unless he brings great shame or damages to his people.
  Bellow the king, one would find the Jarls; regional leaders, put in charge of towns or a large number of villages. They act as enforcers of the law and as councilmen to the king. The jarls are also the ones who elect the king, while they themselves are chosen by the common people.
  Thanes or Hersirs are the next down the chain, making up the 'middle class' of Zarvossti society. They represent the local authority, usually in charge of one or two villages (roughly 100 men), responsible with the day-to-day issues and the mustering of the men in case of a threat or when war is declared. The people within the region they govern are the ones to elect them. Jarls are also usually picked from the ranks of the Thanes, but not always.

Despite all the equality present within the region, powerful families still exist. They form houses, similar to those of nobles of the south, who amass great deals of fortune through trading, owning certain locations and land or political maneuvers. This allows some of them better prospects to be elected as leaders, if they so wish, while others simply prefer the comfortable life and influence granted by such a position


The only common ground remaining between the Zarvossti and The Staldors nowadays is the language, traditional clothing and a number of customs in the more remote villages.
  The Emancipate has carved its own culture after the Shattering, preserving few old aspects; Allowing its people to believe in whoever they saw fit, and keep whatever customs they wished... Granted if they were within reason. Thus, The Chantry was quick to act, sending their missionaries to the newly freed land, seeding the faith of The Maker within it. Despite this attempt at colonization, the Emancipate maintained its independence, creating a situation similar to that of The Dwarven Empire where churches in the name of the Maker were present, but not directly governed by the Chantry of Aslod.
The Spell-Breakers were allowed within the country to hunt for mages in relatively small numbers as the Zarvossti harboured no great love for spell-casters due to their subjugation. This sentiment, however, has dissipated in recent years, some voices advocating for the freedom of mages within the land.  

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The biggest holiday in a Zarvossti family’s life was the birth of a baby.
Usually, right after delivery, the child has to be 'Baptised' by being dunked into a body of running water; or at the very least, water that was gathered from one such place. This is meant to symbolize a second 'birth', this time that of the spirit, by putting it in contact with nature in one of its rawest forms. Only after this is done and the child survives, are the parents allowed to name it and welcome it properly into the world.
The name given at birth to a child is only known by parents and close relatives. Everyone else knowing the child by a given nickname. This was so that evil spirits didn’t learn the child’s real name, so they could not jinx it. This ancient Zarvossti/Staldor rite is preserved to this day: when Zarvossti people introduce themselves, they usually don’t say, “my name is”, they say, “they call me”, which refers to their nickname, rather than their real name.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Offerings to the dead are common place amongst the Zarvossti; Bread, salt and glasses with alcohol were placed at the grave of the deceased as he was burried. A tool symbolic to the trade the person practiced in life was also placed within the coffin (A sword for a soldier or a needle for a seamstress). During the mourning period, and during other special holidays, an additional place would be set at the table of his family, which sometimes even included utensils, alcohol, and food, which would hopefully appease the soul that came back to the house.


Once an inclusive tribal society with a name they no longer bear, the Zarvossti have been faced with no small amount of hardship. A hundred years before the Rune War, they were enslaved inslaved by a self-proclaimed Wizard-king and his coven of acolytes.
  Some of the tribes attempted to resist and fight against their despot, only to be crushed and forced to flee south to avoid total anihilation. These tribes would move on from their past and put the foundations of the Staldor Empire hundreds of years later.
  Not all ran however, the ones that remained were broken, made to abandon their faith and to venerate the mage-king; all while being forced to build Lindakar in his honor, one of the biggest city in Eidos, a city of blood and sweat. There the mage-king governed with unnaturally long life, some saying due to a runestone, for over hundred years until the Wars broke out. The king was forced to defend himself against the Breakers, and he did so quite successfully, only to be left weak enough to be pushed beyond the Frostbites by his now revolting people, people who had been pushed to the brink and who decided to finally push back.
Once the Zarvossti regained their freedom, they decided to carve their own path, the old ways were forgotten and they would not allow a new power to take them over. Thus the Emancipate was formed by the free people, for the free people.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, State
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Controlled Territories
Related Myths

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