Megane Bram Character in Eidos | World Anvil
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Megane Bram

Lance-Captain, Nightward, and aspiring Spear-General of the Spellbreakers

Megane Bram was the up-and-coming Lance-Captain of Northern Eidos, now the Spear-General of the region, succeeding her predecessor, Markan Gowager. She is a fierce woman in a difficult world - and with more scars than some orcs, she has seen her fair share of combat. Those who underestimate her because of her womanhood do so at their folly; for beneath her exterior is a honed mind, a practised sword, and a gritty disposition. A firm believer in the Spellbreaker cause she will carry their crest to her deathbed.

Progeny of Lindakar

Born of Lindakar, Megane was made familiar with the tough conditions of the cold North quickly. Born into neither power nor peasantry, she had equal parts hardship and opportunity. Her early life was spent tending to her father's business as a blacksmith during the day, and helping her mother's business in sewing in the evening. Her mother was a missionary who settled down but never forgot the word of The Chantry, and thus, neither did her children. With three brothers, all of whom martially minded, it was only natural Megane would follow suit.
Their father was an auxiliary military man who served the occasional patrol away from home, leaving the four of them to fend alone and make money where possible to keep the family afloat. As the oldest, it was Megane's job first to find proper employ. She spent some time looking for smithing opportunities to take after her father, but struggled to break through the stereotypes and eventually settled on a position, similar to her mother at one time, in a local chantry mission.

Spellbreaker Hopeful

Megane, however, was no missionary. She did not like to speak with words; rather, her affinity for getting physical with rogues, muggers, and the like earned her a reputation for being reliably ready to put people in their place. She eventually gave up her position at the Mission to join the city guard who, thanks to seeing her vigilantism in action, welcomed her with open arms. Megane enjoyed this role much more, but yet still, felt she had become distanced from the Chantry.
It was during her service that she had the opportunity to see Spellbreakers in action when a rogue mage began tearing up a market square in Lindakar. Unprepared for this level of thread, the city guard called Spellbreakers to their aid. As they shrugged off magical blows and put an end to the threat whilst decreeing the Chantry's might, Megane knew her destiny was to be like them. She told her parents and while her father did not approve, her mother respected Megane's decision to aid the Chantry in her own way. Thus, Megane left with the Spellbreakers to become a Dagger-Squire.
  Her training was difficult, for whilst there were certainly female applicants (in no small part motivated by the fact the Divine herself was a woman), the majority of her peers were male. Ironically, she was least proficient with the learning - she struggled to sit down and read huge passages on protocol or strategy - but one subject on which she was especially keen and proficient was matters of eldritch and abyssal kind - a call to the forbidden, or rather, to destroy it. Demons, mutants, heresies, and other such subjects interested her greatly, to such an extent her instructor brought this up with his own superior. She was quizzed on the subjects and her veracity impressed her learners. Her skill in combat was also undeniable, and powering through cajoles from her peers, she graduated as a Blade-Knight at age 27.


One of Megane's first charges was to return North, to her home of Lindakar, and bolster the minor Spellbreaker garrison there.
She would quell petty threats for a while - the occasional band of brigands, a rogue sorceror, and a small coven of amateur witches. Then, Megane received a call further north with a squad of other Knights - a village just shy of the Frostbite Mountains had made complaints of a vicious creature wearing the skin of man during the day and having horrific visage during the night. Megane's strength in her role had always been pursuing creatures often left to the tendings of Spooks, and her close relationship with the their crafts allowed her to discern that this creature was no ordinary shapeshifter. She would not, however, discover the scale of the threat until much later.
  Arriving north, her group rested in the village for the time being. On the third and darkest night of their vigil, where the moon was fully shrouded and the clouds impenetrably dark, Megane and her squad arose to action at the blood-curdling screams of a woman outside. As they went, Megane and her compatriots were surrounded by the village people, who, entranced by some eldritch magic, began to assail them. Wanting not to kill them, the squad tried to incapacitate their attackers, but their assailants were not so mercifully minded, and all but Megane were killed. The architect of this horror then revealed itself to Megane. She defended herself valiantly - even wounding the creature - but was eventually overpowered by it and its minions. The Dwarves, however, had also rallied their own men to the village in search of an escaped horror from their eternal watch over the Northern mountains, and they arrived to Megane's rescue. Though the creature killed several dwarves alone, Megane powered through and landed the killing blow, beheading the creature and destroying its body with holy chants.
  Witnessing her achievement, the dwarves awarded her a prized honour, amongst the best that non-dwarves can receive - Nightward, so called for helping to stave off the eternal darkness that lurks within Kourath. For this, she was also given a commendation under the Spellbreaker order, and promoted once again to the rank of Lance-Captain at 34.


Megane carried her title with pride, and as a Lance-Captain, doubled down on her desire to help rid the North of its exceptionally high count of otherworldy creatures. It was said within her company there was a Spook amongst her top lieutenants, and whom she would confer regularly on matters of monster hunting. She feared no creature, and personally slayed berbalangs, chuuls, and foulwings, amongst other beasts. At this time, she was also amongst Markan Gowager's most trusted Captains. Her commitment to the cause went well with his own sense of honour, and the two fought many engagements together. Whilst not officially confirmed by Chantry scribes, it is said Markan and Megane once fought off (though did not slay) a Beholder. Such legends are, however, usually exaggerated.
  Whilst she would not face a Mindflayer in her time as a Lance-Captain, she was amongst the Spellbreakers eventually routed to Klarta Dunn to help combat the Greater Demon, Baal'zurre , present there. Whilst there, she put to death many a ghoul and demon, showing equal disdain for the cultists that wrought the plague. Like many Spellbreakers not informed as to the true origins of the Bone Plague, she was shocked by the revelation that it was ordained. However, unlike others in her company, she truly believe it had been a worthwhile gamble. She was utterly devoted to the Chantry and the Spellbreaker cause, and as such, concluded such a measure must have been necessary.
  After this, she was also shocked to see Markan Gowager excommunicated for allowing a rogue band of adventurers who slayed Baal'zure's physical form and discovered the truth. It is from them that the whistle was blown on the Spellbreaker involvement in the plague. It was difficult for her to come to terms with her mentor's exile, and she briefly considered resignation. However, she came through the other side of this personal challenge redoubled in her faith to the Chantry, and vowed never to form so close an opinion of another individual again. For in her mind from then onwards, any member of the faithful could be a wolf in sheep's clothing; and she would not abide personal weakness again.
  After the defeat and dissolution of the Bone Plague, Megane was reassigned to Greenwall and the East whilst the Spear-General there was reassigned to Markan's position in the North. She was forced to establish a military camp there when her initial journey to the College to plan her temporary stewardship was cut short by the actions of Riggan Vale, Greenwall's late oligarch. She would eventually be convinced to plan a possible uprising in Greenwall to establish martial law and take power away from Riggan, after she heard evidence he was utilising a magical artefact to aid his dominion over the town. She was waylaid when a group of adventurers - unbeknownst to her, the very same that caused so much trouble in Klaarta Dunn - infiltrated her base camp and released many prisoners, as well as took materials relevant to their case. She had been assigned the Eastern General's Greater Golem with the intent of bringing it to the College for maintenance, but despite this, the adventurers escaped. She would later meet them after they dealt with Riggan, and though she had a sneaking suspicion of who they were, she was also conscious of the fact her supplies were running out and goodwill amongst the populace was, too. As a result, she would prioritise her efforts elsewhere. When access to the College was opened up, she prepared once more to take her company and their Greater Golem to the College.

Acting Spear-General

When Megane arrived in Ravenrock and delivered the Greater Golem, she was assigned the position of Acting Spear-General - a sort of probationary promotion to prove her capability in the role. That chance would come when she received word that the rogue band of adventurers had made landfall in Ravenrock. She stormed the Undercity, but was unsuccessful in apprehending them. Reasonably convinced that Boos Vurrah had hidden away the party, she cut a deal with him to give them over in exchange for a "pardon" from her justice. He did so, but negotiated terms to allow the party a chance via trial. So it was that she took the adventurers to the College, and took part in the Trial of Six Heresies. This resulted in her joining the party in their quest to enter the Abyss and destroy Baal'zurre's soul, along with another survivor from Klaarta Dunn and five other individuals who had, at one point or another, had an impact on the party's journey so far. She assumed something of a de-facto leadership role in taking the party back across Eidos through to Ewrorin, where the heart of abyssal infestation was said to lurk.
  At Ewrorin, she created a line of communication with Elyria Castiellenne, Archmage of the Chantry and central power in the Elvish capital. Elyria dispatched the group on hunt throughout the city after leads, and whilst as events wore on members of the party became distrustful of Elyria, Megane maintained her loyalty perhaps the longest of anyone. During this time, she would help quell a base of operations for cultists in the city, as well as explore a loose end regarding a magical family under wraps. With the guidance of two members of the party, Brox and Erwin, her judgement of them would be amended, and the lessons learned then would have a profound impact on her leadership going forwards. Finally, when evidence was too much to bear, Megane agreed that Elyria, who had shown her true allegiance, needed to be put down. It was in this process that Erwin gave his life to see Elyria brought low, and Megane would add yet another close friend to the tally of those lost in the line of duty.
  With Elyria's defeat, the party made their way into the Abyss, and after consorting with a devil trapped there, they managed to defeat Baal'zurre and return to the mortal realm - but not before sacrifice. Galath's death hit her particularly hard as someone she had fought alongside and even had a romantic relationship with. Nevertheless, she would honour his sacrifice in her own way.  

Spear-General of Northern Eidos

Megane, ever the fierce champion, set her goals towards improvement of the Chantry as she promised to Erwin. As she fought for his recognition and a change of policy, she accepted a promotion to Spear-General of Northern Eidos – with Markan's blessing – where she continued to push for the greater integration of mages into society. Villains still knew to fear Megane, but those who were merely down on their luck knew her to be a firm but fair judge of their circumstances. Eventually, she retired, and returned back to her family's home village – never having her own children, but being a fine storyteller to the children and grandchildren of her siblings. Even as General, Megane made time to visit old friends, and cherished remembering the good and bad of their journey.
43 (as of 268)
Naturally curled black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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