Spook Profession in Eidos | World Anvil
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A spook, or witcher in some regions, is someone who fights the dark and protects the country-side for malevolent creatures such as witches and evil spirits.
  Spooks possess a wide knowledge of the creatures of the dark and employ an arsenal of weapons to aid them in fighting said creatures. They are seen wearing dark cloaks and are often left handed.
But, despite the fact that they help common people, ridding them of evil creatures, Spooks are often shunned for their profession and magical nature and live at the edge of their community or travel from town to town as hired monster-hunters.



All Spooks are magic wielders from The College, however, an extra requirement to becoming a spook is to be born a seventh son of a seventh son, the reasoning behind this peculiar condition remains unknown to all but the spooks themselves.

Career Progression

Each Spook is required to take an apprentice after a certain amount of time. Due to the lengthy training process and the dangers of it, most Spooks go through several apprentices from The College, until they have somebody ready to pick up their mantle.



Anyone who goes by the trade, has a multitude of tools at their desposal and no two witchers have the same equipment aside from a few essentials.
The staff, often made of rowan wood which proves to be highly effective against witches, is one of them, with some staffs possessing a silver infused, retractable blade. As a matter of fact, anything possessing silver can be used to fight the dark, but the spook specialise in casting a silver chain to bound and constrict their targets and then either capture or finish it off with their sliver lined sblade.
  The monster-hunters also employ the use of salt, used to burn certain creatures, and iron, used to bleed away their strength. Used in conjuction with a glue derived from bone, they are used in the bounding of Spirits.
  A number of spooks from the north of the continent use dogs, Mastiffs to be precise, to aid them in the marshlands serving as both guides and hunters.
Alternative Names
The Chantry made Spooks, together with clerics, one of the few legal magic wielders in the land around 450 years after the end of the Rune War. They are free to roam the country-side as they see fit, though they must periodically hand in a report to The College.
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