Aslod Settlement in Eidos | World Anvil
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"Unlike other cities, where the people are the life-blood and the character, Aslod is her own person, and her people little more than decorations. There is always music in Aslod, streaming from the many windows--quiet refrains and triumphant choruses. And always, floating above that all, the Chant, coming from the Grand Cathedral."
Aslod is not only one of the largest cities in Eidos, but also the capital of The Chantry , the seat of the Divine being situated at the Grand Cathedral of Aslod. There, past the imposing Sun Gates and more modest Night Gate, the Chantry performs a ritual where the entire Chant of Light is sung, a process thought to take about a fortnight to complete. While, from the White Spire, the Marshall of The Spell-Breakers directs the Order and keeps vigil over the city.


Most people living within the walls of Aslod are humans that can trace their ancestry all the way back to the Rune-Wars and the first settlers of the city.
The more zealous elves have also migrated, from their forrest homes, to the heart of the Maker to better serve and aid his cause. They have created their own district around the sapling of a life-wood tree.
The other races, less than a quarter of the total populace, live either outside the petricite walls or in the trade district as merchants or artisans.


The city is lead by a council made up by The Divine, the Hand of the Divine, the Grand Cleric, the Spymistress and the Spell-breaker Marshall. In reality, the council is just a formality and the Divine is the one that dictates how things are done, the input of the other members being minimal outside their fields of expertise.


The garrison of Aslod is an impressive one, being the capital of The Chantry. It counts almost 25.000 ready for action Spell-breakers within its massive Petricite walls while even more could be recruited from its population. Auxiliaries are also present, serving mainly as a law enforcement group for non-magical threats such as drunken brawls or petty thievery. These guardsmen are made up of around 10.000 men and women from the city or its surroundings.
Two greater golems complemented by a few other minor ones always stand, ever-watchful, by the Grand Cathedral in the middle of Aslod, ready to stampede into action if need arises.


Elven gardens are dotted around to complement these buildings, the most noteworthy of which is located right in front of the Cathedral, where a seed from the Lifewood has been steadily growing for the past centuries, flanked on either side by two of the most ancient of the petricite trees.   The massive dome and towers of The Grand Cathedral can be seen from anywhere in the city and its bells can be heard as far as The Neck whenever a Divine dies or a new age begins. The Cathedral is one biggest building in all of Eidos (its construction taking over a century to complete) and the epicenter of all The Chantry belives in.
  Outside the Cathedral courtyard lays the Theatre District, a place of culture and music. Here one can find the biggest and best colleges, libraries and theaters Eidos has to offer.
  Neighbouring the theatres are the Elven District and Trade District, the latter being traversed by aptly named streets such as: The Street of Flour - where most bakers ply their trade; The Street of Silk - a red light district where brothels are located alongside tailors and outfitters and The Street of Steel - where most smiths keep their forges and shops.

Guilds and Factions

The Chantry and The Spell-Breakers are the main organizations within the city, smaller guilds and colleges are also present however.
  Colleges like the University of Orlais, a major center of learning that attracts young nobles from all over Eidos with the best education money can buy. It is a relatively modern institution whose liberal-minded professors have already clashed with religious conservatives over the content of their classes.
  Another note-wothy establishment is The House of Peace, a place where aging Spell-Breakers retire to when they can no longer adequately perform their services due to mental deterioration caused by long-term Petricite usage.
  While the Spell-breaker academy would be the focal point of most military training, the Order of the Silent Sisters is just as essential, if not more so, to The Chantry. Not much is commonly known about the Silent Sisters aside from the fact that they recruit from the ranks of ley sisters and upon joining they must undertake an oath of silence towards all but their Spymistress.
  Last are the usual Trade Guilds, found in the district with the same name. Petricite stonemasons and armorers being the only stand-out ones from the otherwise unassuming Weavers, Carpenters, Instrument-makers and Brewers.


The history of Aslod is closely tied with that of the Chantry itself and with the discovery of Petricite.
During the Rune War, when refugees across the lands fled from the destructive power of magic. Some say that in the west of Eidos, a band of these displaced people were pursued by a vicious band of dark mages. Exhausted from days without rest, the refugees hid among the shadows of an ancient, petrified forest. The sorcerers that pursued them suddenly found their magic to be ineffective in the strange woods. Then, rallied by the Divine herself, they fought back the mages and established a settlement in the place that saved their lives. With time this settlement grew due to its 'safe haven' nature and became the elegant capital that is today, while almost all the petricite forests have been slowly but surely cut down to accomodate more people and build more walls and armor...


Aslod has very intricate and elegant architecture, many of its buildings having an elven touch to them. Most, if not all constuctions within the city are painted in white, gold, blue or a combination of the three, giving the whole settlement a very consistent and pleasant appearance.
Founding Date
During the Rune Wars
240.000 Mixed (50% Human, 35% Elven 15% Other)
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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