Petricite Material in Eidos | World Anvil
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Petricite is a magical material produced by The Chantry. The early settlers of Aslod discovered a petrified forest that can dispel magic, and mixed its wood with various substances into a resistant material. It is used everywhere in the nation, from architecture to weapons, and even in the construction of Petricite Golems.


Physical & Chemical Properties

The most notable property of Petricite is its ability to absorb any kind of magic. The material can then store the power for centuries.
When petricite-infused objects absorb enough magic, their shapes can morph. Petricite buildings subjected to enough magic can even change colors in some cases. These morphing properties of petricite stone were noticed by early Chantry sculptors and were repurposed in the construction of golems who were durable as stone while also able to move freely with no difficulties if enough magic was absorbed by them.

History & Usage


During the Rune War, when refugees across the lands fled from the destructive power of magic. Some say that in the west of Eidos, a band of these displaced people were pursued by a vicious band of dark mages. Exhausted from days without rest, the refugees hid among the shadows of an ancient, petrified forest. The sorcerers that pursued them suddenly found their magic to be ineffective in the strange woods. It seemed the fossilized trees were a natural magic-dampener, and any sorcery used within them would simply fizzle upon casting. No longer helpless, the refugees turned their swords on the dark mages and drove them from the land.   Some decided that this sanctuary from magic was a gift from the gods, others saw it as a fair reward for their terrible journey, but all agreed that this power should be harnessed.

Everyday use

Though the state-of-the-art techniques are kept as a national secret, petricite has become quite a ubiquitous material: building structures, forging weapons, shields and armors, and woven into clothes.
Due to its strength for dispelling magical attacks, Petricite has become The Chantry's main defensive tool against mages.


The wood of the petrified trees could be mixed with ash and lime to make petricite – a material with a powerful resistance to magic that could then be used in stone-work for buildings, such as the ones Aslod and for coating The Spell-Breakers armors or pendants.
A mix of oak wood and stone.

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