Idrevar Geographic Location in Eglorix | World Anvil
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Idrevar is the plane of Sarnuvir God of Justice and Freedom. It is many things to those who worship Justice and Freedom, afterlife, rest, reward, there are many names by which the followers refer to it. For those that find their way to Idrevar, outside of death, find it calm and comforting. Open grasslands dotted with small copses of trees and simple villages surrounding a hill with a large white marble columned temple. This temple is the busiest place among a seemingly relaxed atmosphere. The temple is the home of Sarnuvir and where he watches over his followers and all of Eglorix.
Idrevar was without its God for the whole of the 3rd Epoch. The various celestial defenders of Justice and Freedom kept it intact while the temple was empty. During that time, however, it was not without incursion. With the arrival of Sarnuvir, the Celestial defenders of Idrevar demand justice and their patience with their new Lord will only last so long.
Dimensional plane


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