Elf Species in Eglorix | World Anvil
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"Elves come in two types, as far as I can see it, exclusive and everyday. Your everyday elf is just trying to get by like the rest of us. Puts their pants on one leg at a time, drinks ale at the tavern, worries about feeding their family, everyday stuff. Your exclusive elf prefers to do that stuff with other elves, drinks wine not ale, and puts their pants on with an air of superiority. Exactly why I serve ale and wine."
Old Man Farnum
Old Man Farnum's Inn


The Elves were the creation of Fol'nor God of the elves and Kartoum Goddess of Nature. According to the legends of the Elves Fol'nor and Kartoum fell in love. The first of the Gods to fall in love, and were married shortly after. The spend their time together after the wedding traveling all around Eglorix. At the conclusion of their honeymoon they discovered that the energies released from the union of two deities spawned beautiful groves of trees and inside these groves, some of these trees stepped away from their roots and became elves. With Kartoum being responsible for nature Fol'nor became the father to the elves.    Where few are certain if the legend is true or not, these groves of power are real and special places to the elves all across Eglorix. Each of the groves became its own cultural center for a group of elves resulting in the other groups of Elves. Although there are many that have wandered from their groves and started lives of their own over the Epochs.   

Known Groves

  • Silver Wood - Home to the Silver Elves of Brom
  • M'Erenal - Home of the Fade Elves
  • Newces  - Home of the Elves of Phev

Cover image: Village In The Woods by mrainbowwj


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